Season 2 episode 9

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Scene: flashback of the last time Clip saw her mother.

"Mom no I don't want to leave you. I want to stay with you and the others." A small Clip said with tear filled eyes. Mico and Bink looked too big for a child her size to carry.
"Clip you are an adventure now. Don't you love your sword?" Nokona asked.
"Yes." Clip sniffled.
"Don't you love your shield?" Nokona asked.
"Yes." Clip said.
"Only adventures love their weapons. You're not just any old adventure hunny you're an adventurer no one has ever seen before. You're special. No one in all known history has ever had two living weapons."
"Your mother is right. You can't just leave them in a corner while you sing and dance." Tokip said.
Clip glared at him clutching her mother. He can't just act like my dad. I never asked for a dad and I don't want one now. "Why can't I stay with you and practice with Mico and Bink? I don't want to live with him. I want to stay with you mom. Please I want to stay."
"Listen to me." Nokona said grabbing her daughters shoulders and looking her in the eye. "You're going to be someone great someday. Greater than me. Greater than your father even. You might be one of those people that end up in history books and children songs. I won't let you throw that away hunny. It's going to be hard at first but you'll understand why you had to go someday. You'll understand that our life here under the docks isn't as magical as I've let you think." Nocona said.
"But mom I don't care if its not magical. I don't care that there isn't always enough to eat or if we're too cold at night. I don't care if I have to work like you and the others when I grow up. I want to stay with you." Clip cried hugging her mom tight.
"I know hunny. How about this, in a few years when you're big and strong you can come visit me and the rest of the crew. You'll have so many stories to tell. We'll make songs out of them and sing them to the people and they'll shower chips down on us from the mear glory of your tails." She pulled a small getar off her back. "You'll always have your music hunny but now you'll have so much more" She handed Clip the getar. "Keep this to remember me in the time were apart. Sing our songs when your feeling down and remember I am always thinking of you. There is nothing I love more than you Clip. Go be my little adventure and spread our music around the magical main lands down below." Nokona said.
"But Mom this is irreplaceable." Clip said trying to hand the getar back.
"Don't worry about it hunny. Now go with your father and promise me you'll be good." Nocona said.
"Okay mommy I promise." Clip siad tears streaming down her face and snot dripping from her nose.
"I love you soo soo much." Nocona said.
"I love you too." Clip said and they hugged each other tight.

"It's time to go." Tokip said.
Nocona let Clip go pushing her toward her father. "Take good care of her Tokip."
"I will." Tokip said.
Clip continued to look back at her mother until she could no longer see her.

Scene: mushroom biome campground the luminescent mushrooms light up as night falls.

Koxes stood up dropping his knitting needles and yarn. He reaching out to her. Laying his hand on her shoulder. "Clip. How are you- how did-? "
"-did I get out of there. Oh it was easy. I sang this magical song and it put Juko under a sleeping trance. Then I walked out the door. simple,right?" Clip said.
Koxes wrapped his arms around her. "You liar."
She squeezed him back. "Did you miss me or something." She said.
Koxes let her go. "No not even a little."
"Liar." Clip said.
Konk transformed flinging himself at Mico. Mico kissed his face. "Oh Konk I've missed you soo much." They fell back in the grass kissing.
"I don't miss that." Clip said.
"Yeah me neither." Koxes said.
"Mico's affection is something I'd rather not see." Bink said but smiled down on the love pile.
Koxes grabbed her hand. "Are you okay?"
"Koxes who are you talk-" Poko stopped mid sentence. "Clip!" she ran, grabbed Clip, and twirled her around in a hug. Koxes put his abandoned hand akworly in his pocket. "Oh my gore I thought you were dead." Poko said.
"Thanks." Clip muffled in her shoulder. "Can you put me down that really hurt."
Poko let her go. Juva and Drave came to see what the commotion was about. "Why? Are you hurt?" Poko said.
"A little. Nothing to be worried about." Clip said.
"Wow Clip I'm impressed. How in the disks did you get away from that guy?" Juva asked.
"With my monster adventuring skills." Clip said. Dragva looked at her. "Dragva."
"I'm.- I'm glad you got away from Juko. Good job." Dragva said.
"It was nothing. It only had to try twice before I escape." Clip said.
"Let me see where you're hurt." Poko said.
Clip took off her clock. Her skin was scabbed burnt and blistered.
"What happened?" Poko asked.
"Did Juko do this to you?" Koxes said.
"It's frost bite. I did it to myself when I escaped. I had to walk in the cold with little protection. I'll tell you about it later. I'm pretty tired." Clip siad.
"Come here let's put some medicine on you." Poko said. Poko lead her to the fire. Koxes and the twins followed.
"Konk drank it too and he spewed everywhere." Tin said.
"He thought we poisoned him again, well we did, but not on purpose." Pop said.
Mico laughed. "I would have drank it too." she grabbed Konks arm and he beamed at her stupidly.
Bink looked at konk with pity. "Konk you'll only get hurt if you keep hanging out with them."
'I like Tin and Pop and I love Mico.' Konk signed. Bink shook his head.

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