Season 2 episode 11

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Scene: In the mushroom biome. Juko fight.

Song while the slow action happens.
When the strong go down
Ohh when the strong go down

They leave a mark on the ground
The mark of farwell

the earth can't erase where the strong go down
The last farewell

The strength released with a flow
To drain on the floor.
A legend sinks beneath in a liquid flow

When the strong go down
Ohh when the strong go down.

They leave a mark on the ground
A mark on the ground.

Everything slowed down. Juva, and Dragva struggled to reach Tokip. Each of them with a mangled leg. They used eachother as a crutch hobling to their father.
Poko still lay unconscious oblivious to what was going on.
Clip was frozen. Tokip's defeated. My father's defeated. All the cold fiery hatred gleamed in Clip's eyes when she looked at Juko. He will pay for this. Her hands began to humm as she tried to hone Mico and Bink's energy.
Koxes squeezed the stake in his shoulder. He saw Clip and he froze. His hand dropped from the stake. She looks so- fierce and beautiful.
Mico and Binks energy pulsed in her. "JUKO!" She yelled.
Juko looked up at her. His face lit up in surprise. He smiled. "Yes Clip. Are you finally ready to admit defeat." he said.
"I'm ready to kill you." Clip said.
Clip charged swinging Mico. He dogged but Clip was fast and slammed him into the ground. Juko crashed into the ground kicking up debri. His face twisted in pain. He smiled at Clip as she drove Mico down toward him. He dogged and swung Tesh. Clip caught Tesh on her shield and was fung back. Her feet left a spor dust trial as the slid through the green gasslike fungus. She darted back disturbing the dust clouds.

Koxes tried to get off the ground and stumbled falling back down.

Clip slashed Juko. He blocked with Tesh but was forced back. She reflect his sword and swung at his neck. Juko jumped back Clips blad skimming his throat. He touched the wound and looked at the blood on his hand.
"Clip do you really think you have a chance against me." Juko said. He sliced at her clanking swords.
"Why? Are you scared I'll actually win?" Clip said.
"I have the power of dozens of living weapons in the palm of my hand. I have no reason to fear you dear." Juko said.
He swung Tesh around Clip raised her shield but not fast enough. The dull end of Tesh crushed her stomach. Blood sprayed out of her mouth as she flew back releasing both Mico and Bink. Clip slammed into the the ground rolling over several times.
Come on Clip get up you weak piece of monster guts. She pushed herself off the ground. Blood on her chin.

CLIP! Koxes thought. He tried to get up but his arms were too weak to push him off the ground. He looked over at the twins. Juva and Dragva held their fathers wound. Even if they could they wouldn't leave their father. Poko was still unconscious on the ground. Koxes pushed harder and threw up falling over. He laid there looking at her fighting with everything she had. Useless. I'm weak and useless right now. We're all useless. I'm sorry Clip.

"You don't know when to quit." Juko said kicking her. Clip smacked into a mushroom and Juko jumped landing in front of her. He grabbed her hair lifting her off the ground. Clip reached up grabbing his arms trying to get free. "The longer you keep this up the angrier I'll get and the more I'll hurt you."
Clip spit a mouthful of blood at him. "Shove a sword up your a$#" She said.
He punched her in the gut releasing her hair. Her side scraped across the ground. Get up Clip get up. She keep telling herself. His feet appeared in front of her face.

Tokip watched his daughter slide across the ground. "My poor Clip. I was never there for her and now I can't even save her in the end." Tokip said coughing blood and reaching for her.
"Dad don't move." Juva said.
Dragva looked at his sibling as Juko walked up to her beaten body on the ground. His eyes darted to Poko, who was still out cold, and he watched Koxes reaching for Clip struggling to get off the ground and failing. "There's nothing we can do. We're all going to die." He grabbed Juvas hand that was holding their fathers wound. "At least we'll be together."
Juva smiled sadly and put his other hand on Dragvas squeezing it. "Together." he said.

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