season 1 episode 9

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            “It’s so hot!” Clip complained.
“We’re in a desert Clip.” Koxes said.
“I don’t like it. That man was probably lying. Let's get out of here.” Clip said.
“He had no reason to lie.” Koxes said.
“How do you know that?” Clip siad wiping the sweat and blood splatter off her face.
Koxes rolled his eye to the side and exhaled in annoyance.
“I’m just saying life would be a lot less miserable if we weren't fighting a gore of monsters in the desert just to get to a village that nobody wants to gutting live in. Because. It's. Too. Hot.” Clip wined.

Bink transformed and  pulled a water skin from his side bag.“Darling, drink some water.” He said, offering the water sack.
Mico transformed and grabbed the bag taking a swig. “Thanks Bink I was parched.”
“Mico that was for Clip!” Bink said grabbing the water sack back. “You don’t even need water.”
“But I like it when it's hot.” Mico said grabbing at the sack. “And Clip likes being miserable so just let me have it.”
“I do not like being miserable.” Clip said.
Mico put her arm around Clips shoulder giving her a ‘oh really’ look. “Okay okay you just must be miserable all the time.” she said.
Bink handed Clip the water sack again and Mico snached it just as Clip was reaching for it. Bink snached it back and said. “Mico relly. Sometimes I think I’m the only one that cares about Clip’s wellbeing at all.”
Mico glared at him. “That's not true.” She said squishing her face against Clips. “I know I love her the most.”

Konk transformed and pulled Koxes water from his side, offering it to Mico and signing for her to take it if she wanted.
“Konk don’t give her my water.” Koxes said and signed then snached his water sack from him.
Konk gave him a sour look and signed to Mico that he would get it for her later.
“You will not. She doesn't need water. Whose side are you on? ” He said and signed.
“Sorry Koxes Mico has him tightly wrapped around her blade.” Bink said.
Konk nodded proudly and Mico squeezed her arms around him. “My konk loves me the most.” She said and kissed him on the cheek.
“Konk don’t be proud of that. What is wrong with you?” Koxes said.
“There might be something wrong with both of them.” Clip said as Mico climbed on Konks shoulders and squished and pulled his cheeks.
“Yes darling, there is definitely something wrong with them.” Bink said.

“shhhh. I think that's another one.” Koxes said.
But it was too late  a big desert humped back crab, with one large pincer and one small, emerged from the sand.
“Uuuugg not another one.” Clip sagged in disappointment.
“This one is a lot bigger than the other ones.” Koxes said.
The crabs pole like eyes rotated searching. Landing on Clip and Koxes the eyes quivered exited. The monster charged.

Koxes and Clip rolled in opposite directions.
“Mico, Bink, return!” Clip yelled.
“Konk return!” Koxes yelled.
Mico and Bink’s gleam flickered and dulled.  Their power drained from previous monster battles. The crabs eyes separated trying to watch them both; eyes stretching comically. It choose Clip and scuttled quickly to her. Clip bashed it’s big claw away with Bink and sliced the smaller one off at the joint. She had to use brute strength without the power of her living weapons to help.
The crab slammed its body down. Clip back flipped away from the crab before it could smash her into the sand.
“I think I’m just going to let this one kill me before I die of heat stroke.” Clip wined.
Koxes was sneaking up behind the crab ignoring Clips outburst.
The crab looked under its belly in triomphe and saw clips remains missing. It looked around angry and confused and saw Koxes sneaking up behind it. Koxes froze mid step making eye Contact with it.
The crab hop around to face Koxes and charged. It went to snap koxes head off with its big pincher. Koxes dropped to his knees just before the pinchers clicked and stabbed konk up into its meaty claw, but konk sleed over the sturdy exoskeleton. Koxes rolled out of the way of the oncoming pincer and jumped to his feet.
Clip had managed to get right up to the rear of the creature she jumped on it’s back and ran up to its four humps. The monster squealed and looked around confused. Clip reached the middle of its four humps. The crab's eyes spun around and focused on Clip. She brought Mico up just above her head. “Too slow you monster brain.” she said and plunged Mico into it’s soft spot. It squealed agen, blood spraying. The crab dropping dead in the sand.
Clip hopped down. “By the time we get there we’ll be expert humped back crab killers.” A burst of wind spayed sand on clip which stuck to the blood. Koxes laughed.
Clip glared at him then hugged him hard smearing the blood and sand all over him.
“Ahh, what the crumbledung Clip!” he yelled pushing her away.
“I thought since you were going to kill it, you might want to enjoy some of its blood.”  She said smugly.
He said, “You have to be the most unintarlable person alive.” They glared at each other and then burst out laughing. “Come on. I think we’re almost there.”
“I hope so, you need a bath monster bad.” Clip said teasing.
Koxes smirked. “Look whos talking.”
Clip started to sing as they walked.

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