Season 3 episode 1

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Scene: in Tokip's estate house. Everyone was dressed in ornamental traditional adventure cloths.

Clip stood in a hallway with Bink. Mico and Konk sat at the other end of the hall smiling and signing to each other. Koxes walked out the door beside her. She was taken aback. "You look, nice." Clip said.
"Thanks. The twins let me borrow old ceremony gear." Koxes said.
"I don't think I've wore anything but battle cloths since, since I became an adventure." Clip said.
He eyed her. "You look nice too."
"Thanks." Clip siad.
Bink smiled. "Both you darlings look adorable." He said.
Mico wrapped her arms around their necks. "Clip's always adorable but I guess you look okay." She said to them.
Clip and Koxes pushed Mico's arms off them. "Your not going to defend my charming appearance?" Koxes said to Konk.
'Mico's pretty' Konk signed
"Yeah thanks." Koxes said. "Should we join the others."
"Yeah." Clip said looking down the hall.
Koxes looped his arm through hers. "Come on. I'll be with you."
"And I." Bink said patting her on the back.
"And me." Mico said.
Clip nodded and gripped Koxes arm. "Okay let's go."

Scene: In the foyer of the manner.

Poko, Hal, Dragva, Juva, Tin, Pop, and-Navee with her longsword stood in the foyer. Navee had Tokip's broadsword strapped on her back.
She'll put dad's sword in the armory until the next weapons ceremony. Then he'll stay in the weapons pile until he's ready to choose another wielder. Clip thought looking at the sword.
Navee turned around. Her red glossy eyes hardened when she saw Clip.
"You! How dare you come into my house at a time like this." Navee said.
"Mom!" Poko said.
Navee stomped to Clip. Koxes tried to step between them but Clip held up her hand stopping him. Clip stood firm, not shying away like she had in the past. I'm an adventure now. Not the scard entertainer girl I was when I left.
Navee slapped Clip. Clips head jerked to the side. She meet Navee's eyes holding her ground.
"This is your fault!" Naveen shouted at her. "If it weren't for you- if you were just- Tokip- My Tokip would still be here."
"You hated him. You should be relieved you no longer have a tie to me. He's not here to validate my lineage." Clip said coldly.
"I hate you! And your mask. The mask you inherited from him. I never want to see it again." Navee said.
"MOM!" Juva and Dragva said together.
"I'll do my best to make sure you don't" Clip said.
"No. I will do it myself." Navee said. "Guards." The doors to the outside opened and the king's guards stood outside.
"MOM NO! Don't do this." Poko said.
Clip said under her breath, "Run." she grabbed Koxes hand and pulled him down the hall and into a bedroom. She slammed the door shut and locked it.
"Clip what are you doing? That's the king's guard. We can't run away from them." Koxes said.
She grabbed their packs and threw open the window. The door bulged as the guards banged to get in. "I can do what I want. You can stay if you want Koxes but I'm not leaving without seeing my family."
"But your family is here." Koxes said confused.
"No my disk bottom family. Are you coming with me?" She asked.
The guards banged on the door again. Chunks of wood flew in the room.
Koxes looked at her nervously. "I ah- yes." he said.
She smiled. "Call Konk. Mico. Bink. Return." she said.
"Konk return." he said.
Their weapons crashed through the door and the guards fell over each other as they crashed down. "Your welcome." Clip said. Jumping out the window. Koxes looked at the guards as they struggled to their feet. He quickly followed her.

Scene: foyer

"How can you do this before dads remembrance ceremony." Poko said to her mother.
"He was my husband and my children's father. I wasn't going to let her ruin the last thing we did for him." Navee said.
"She didn't, you did." Dragva said. They all turned to him surprised. "Clip was dad's child too whether or not you were her mother. This day wasn't about you. It was about remembering dad for who he was. Not who you wished he was."
"Clip could be in serious trouble if you don't fix this. And Koxes too. He has nothing to do with your hard feelings." Juva said.
"You need to tell them Clip is dad's daughter." Poko said.
"No." Navee said firmly. They all looked at her in complete astonishment. "I can't allow it. I need things to be normal for this. If she's there everyone will see. Everyone will know."
"Know what mom. That dad was unfaithful to you and wasn't the perfect adventure you want them to think." Poko said tears spilling down her cheeks. "How could you be so heartless."
Navee turned away from her children and opened the doors. "Come on everyone's waiting for us."

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