Chapter 2 - Damn This Fucking Girl

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                                        Nicks P.O.V


Fucking holy shit, this girl is intoxicating. I don't think I've ever been drawn to someone like this before. Her "I don't give a fuck attitude" is clearly a something she uses as a defence mechanism. She's soft and has this sad look in her piercing blue cat like eyes.

"Do you know where Margo and your friend went?" She asks me and I shrug.

"Is she the black haired girl?" I reply and Sadie nods making her long red hair bounce. "Nope, no idea. Probably back to Noah's hotel." I wriggle my eyebrows at her earning a small laugh.

"Thats unlike Margo..." She has concern written all over her face as she says it.

"She'll be all good with Noah, he's a good guy. I Promise." I gently reassure her, for what I don't know. I have no idea what Noah and Sadie's friend Margo are getting up to but that's on them and quite frankly it's none of my business.

We're about six paces behind the rest of the group. Folio has his arm wrapped around the blonde girl and the other two are laughing at whatever Jolly has to say.

"Do you know where the bar is?" Sadie asks me just as the guys in front come to a stop.

"There I guess?" We catch up to them and we all make our way inside, Sadie's friends find us all a booth that we claim as our own all squeezing together to get a seat. Folio and the blonde head up to the bar to get more drinks. I can't help but notice that this place is much more crowded and lively than the place we were just in. Sadie seems to have gone all tense next to me clearly not wanting to be in an even busier bar.

"Do you like going for nights out?" She asks me as Folio and the blonde return with a tray of drinks.

"Kinda, sometimes. It depends on the company." I tell her as I grab one of the drinks from the tray. Sadie's smirking at me as she takes her own glass and again throws back whatever alcohol is in the tumbler. That's three times I've seen her do that and I know she isn't drunk. Not even close. "Are you okay?"

"Ofcourse Nick. I am perfectly fine. Do you want to dance with me?" She asks and I'm nodding before I even realise. Damn this fucking girl.

She drags me up to the pit of body's that are far too close together on the world's smallest dance floor but I don't care.

I just want to be close to her.

Sadie takes my hands in hers and begins dancing with me. She's so close I can smell her perfume, it's light and floral with a kind of spiciness to it. It suits her so well I bet she doesn't even realise. I want to stay here forever, breathing her in, getting lost in her.

"What are you thinking about?" She whispers into my ear sending a chill down my spine.

"Your perfume." I honestly reply making her giggle.

"What about it?" She whispers again. She's pressed against me now, my hands on her waist. We're not even dancing anymore just holding each other in the middle of the world's shittiest dance floor.

"It suits you. I like it." I tell her as she pulls away from me looking directly into my eyes. A smile plays on her lips and I know she has me exactly where she wants me.

"Good." She simply replies just as Jolly and two of Sadie's friends join us. I can't help but glare at Jolly wanting to keep Sadie to myself.

"Cassidy and Folio are basically fucking and I don't wanna sit there while that happens." One of her friends tells us. I hadn't picked up on it before but their accents are so different. These girls sound so Scottish in comparison to Sadie. I can't place where Sadie's from, she sounds so different but so similar at the same time.

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