2. School

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~Next Morning~ I was awoken by the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I hit it a few times then got up and got dressed. I put on dark blue skinnies, a maroon sweater, knee high brown boots, and a teal scarf. I left my hair in its wavy state and went downstairs. I grabbed the plate my mom set out for me since she had to go to work early. I ate my breakfast than grabbed my phone and bag and walked out the door.

I looked around and saw two kids in front of the Hart's house. They saw me and waved kindly. I waved back and walked over to them. "Hi I'm Jazmine." "I'm Charlotte." the girl replied with a smile. "I'm Jasper!" the boy standing by her said loudly. "It's nice to meet you guys." Henry came running outside. "Hey guys!" he yelled to us. "Hey." we all replied. " Hey Jazmine you wanna walk walk to school with us?" Henry asked me. "Sure." I replied and off we went.

~Time skip to lunch. Brought to you by the time being 1:06 in the morning and my laziness.~

I got my food and sat down with the crew. "Hey Jazmine, maybe after school I can show you my bucket collection!" Jasper exclaimed excitedly. "Say no." Charlotte and Henry whispered to me. "Maybe some other time Jasper." I said. "Ok." He said and went back to his food. I shook my head and went back back to my sandwich. My phone buzzed and I saw I had a text from my friend at my old school.

~Phone Convo~(Jazmine: ☆JazTheBeast☆ Danielle: ♡AngelOfDarkness♡)

♡AngelOfDarkness♡: Hey girl how's the new school?
☆JazTheBeast☆: It's alright. I made some new friends.
♡AngelOfDarkness♡: Not cooler than me right?
☆JazTheBeast☆: I'll have to answer that l8er lunch is over. Bai bae.
♡AngelOfDarkness♡: Bai beasty!

I put my phone up and got up and went to my locker. I went to my next class and it turns out I had it with Henry and Charlotte. I sat down by Henry and he smiled at me. I got out my book and looked through it. The class went by fast and then the final bell rang. I got up and grabbed my things and went to my locker. I shoved my things in and shut my locker and walked out of school.

I walked to a nearby park and sat on a bench and got out my phone. I was playing crossy road when I saw a shadow over me. I looked up to see a tall man with a mask on wearing all black. I started freaking out. I tried to run but he grabbed my arm and I dropped my phone. I heard someone scream my name in the distance but after that, everything went black.

Kidnapped! What's gonna happen to Jazmine? Find out in the next chapter! Love yall! ~NinjaRose5050

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