8. Wow...

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~Ray's POV~

   I actually found her...... well she found me, but hey.... it's my daughter.... but she doesn't know who I am...

~Jazmine's POV~

   "Let's get out of here..." "Yeah let's go." I looked over at Captain Man, and he was just kinda..staring at me..with a very shocked look. "Um, Captain Man? Are u ok..?" "Uh, yeah. I'm fine." I just nodded and looked back at Henry. "You ok?" "Yeah I'm good. But, how did you find us?" "I honestly don't even know...it's hard to explain.." He just nodded. The police showed up and took those guys away.

   Captain Man took Henry and I home. "You sure you're ok Henry?" "I told you Jaz I'm fine. I'm more worried about you." "I'm fine. Goodnight." I was about to go inside when I felt a hand grab my arm. "If you ever need anything, or need to talk to someone, you can always come to me, ok?" I turned and smiled at Henry. "Ok. Goodnight Henry." "Night Jaz." Before I went inside I turned back one more time. "Thank you for caring about me...." I kissed his cheek and quickly ran inside. Did I really just do that...? Yeah...yeah I did.... I think...I think I like Henry... I like Henry Hart.... I smiled to myself before I went upstairs to bed.

~Henry's POV~

   I stood there shocked. Jazmine..just..kissed me.. Wow...wow... I smiled and went back to my house. I climbed in through my window, laid in bed, and just stared at my ceiling. She kissed me... I..I think I like her... I like Jazmine Love.... I can't stop smiling... Can't get her out of my mind.... She's amazing... I finally went to bed, with Jaz on my mind.
Ok I know this sucks, but hey I updated. So Jaz and Henry realized they like each other. Yay! Ray found out Jaz is his daughter, but she still doesn't know. Will he tell her? Will she find out? Find out in the next chapter! I'm gonna try and update this more often. If you ever want me to update this you can message me on my other account KyeForce2020. Hope you guys enjoy this, sorry it's so short. Love you guys! ~NinjaRose5050

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