15. First Date?

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~Henry's POV~

   This is actually happening. I finally asked her out. Jazmine and I are going on our first date. Is this a dream? God, I hope not. I grabbed my phone to text her and ask if she was ready to go.

Henry 😊: Hey, you ready?

Jaz 💙: Yep

Henry 😊: Alright. Heading outside, see ya in a sec

   Nothing can mess this up. I won't let anything ruin this. I made sure I had my wallet before heading downstairs and out the front door. I smiled when I saw Jaz coming outside, then I saw someone else. Kian. Great.

~Kian's POV~

   Jazmine thinks she can avoid me by not answering my texts? That's not gonna work. I was walking up when I saw her walking outside. She looked as beautiful as ever. "Jaz!" I called out to her. But she didn't respond to me. Last time she saw me, she ran into my arms. Now she wouldn't even say anything to me. I then looked to see that little rat, Henry. Does he really think he can take her from me?

   "Jaz, I need to talk to you." I said as I walked over to her. "Kian, I told you, something came up." She didn't even look at me. "This is more important. I think I deserve an answer." She still didn't look at me. "She doesn't have to answer to you, she told you something else came up." Who does this kid think he is? "I wasn't talking to you, kid. Jaz, come on." He reached over and grabbed her hand. My girl's hand. "Kian, I have to go." Was she seriously leaving with him? Over me?

~Jazmine's POV~

   "Kian, I have to go." After saying that, Henry and I left, leaving Kian standing there dumbfounded. "What was wrong with him?" Henry asked me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze as I realized he was still holding it. "He.. asked me out." I told him, looking down at our hands as we walked. I was expecting him to let go, question me about the situation, but he didn't. "At least I know who you chose." He shrugged.

   I just smiled at that. I made the right choice. After seeing how Kian acted, I know that for sure. "So, where exactly are you taking me?" I asked. "I was thinking maybe we could go get some froyo, then talk a walk to the park." He said, glancing over to me for approval. I leaned over and lightly pecked his cheek. "Sounds perfect."

~Kian's POV~

   You will regret this Henry Hart. Mark my words. You will regret ever meeting Jazmine Love. You. Will. Regret. It.

~Third Person POV~

   Kian stood there, his fists clenched as he watched the girl he loved so dearly walk off with someone else. Turning to leave, his eyes flash red, before he's gone in the blink of an eye. Henry might be happy now, but little does he know, he is in grave danger.

What do you guys think is going on with Kian? Please let me know your opinions on the story. If there's anything you think I should change, anything I should add in. Please let me know. Alright, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye guys. 😝😚

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