5. What's Happening?!

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~Jazmine's POV~

I looked in their mirror, and couldn't believe what I saw....my eyes were glowing a bright purple. "Oh my god...." I said quietly to myself. That what why everyone kept staring at me..... Charlotte came in and saw my eyes. "Woah..what happened?" She asked me. "I-i have no idea..." I really didn't know. This was crazy. Suddenly images were rushing through my head, images of me and everyone I cared about... I saw one that caught my eye. It was Henry...and he was falling from a building, I was there trying to grab his hand, but I was too late. He was falling and I couldn't do anything but stand there.

I ran out of the bathroom and out of the school. I couldn't go home, my parents haven't seen my eyes and I don't want them to. I ran into the woods, not knowing where I was going, and not really caring. I kept running and running. I wasn't running very fast fast though, at least that's what I thought... I looked behind me and everything was far off n I looked around and everything was going by in a blur. No, wait...it was me going by in a blur!

I finally slowed down and looked around. I had no idea where I was. I pulled out my phone, only to see 5 missed calls. One from Charlotte, one from Jasper, and three from Henry. I decided to call Henry. After the first ring he answered. "Jaz where are you?!" "I honestly don't know..." "Charlotte said you ran out of school!" I sighed. "Yeah.." "Which way did you run?" "I ran into the woods...and I kept running and now I have no idea where I am.." This time he sighed. "I'm gonna come find you Ok?" "O-ok.." With that he hung up. I just sat down and waited.

Henry showed up a little while later. He looked tired and out of breathe. "Henry!" "Hey.." I got up and looked at him. "Are my eyes..you know.." He shook his head no. Thank god. "Why did you come find me...?" "I wanted to make sure you were Ok." "Oh..." I felt my face heat up a little. 'What am I doing? Do I like Henry?' I found him staring at me...I blushed even more. "Maybe we should get back.." "Yeah.." We both started walking. Man today has been weird.....
Hey hope u guys like it!!! I finally updated!! Yay!!!!!!!!!! :p
Love u guys! ~Singing_Angel2015

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