10. "I like you, a lot."

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~Jazmine's POV~
~Time Skip~

I love the way the night sky looks, don't you? You're probably wondering where I am, what's going on. It's been a few days since everything happened, and I am actually just sitting in a tree by my house. We got a break from school, it got attacked a couple of days ago. By who? I don't know. Why? I don't care. I haven't really spoken to anyone, at all. I've been keeping to myself. So, you're caught up. Shall we continue then? Alright.
I was staring up at the stars, when I heard someone climb up beside me. I turned my head to see Henry. "Hey, didn't know you came up here." I said quietly. "I needed to talk to you.." "Oh, ok." I said, a little confused. "So, there's this girl I like, and I want to tell her how I feel. I just don't know how.." "Really? You gonna tell me who?" I smirked a little, ignoring my pain. "Maybe, just not yet." He smirked back, causing me to pout a bit.

"If you don't tell me, how am I supposed to help?" "Will you just help? What do I do?" I let out a quiet sigh. "I say just go for it. Tell her how you feel, if she feels the same, great. If not, well that's her loss. Either way she deserves to know." He just simply nodded. "Ok, should I do it now, or should I wait?" "Do it now, get it over with." I said, shrugging a bit. "Alright, Jaz. I like you, a lot."

And that's when I woke up..... Oh, you thought that was real didn't you? Yeah, I hoped it was too........ But no, sadly it wasn't. I want Henry to like me back, but why would ever go for a girl like me? There are plenty of other amazing girls out there, why stick around for me? Ok, back to reality.

Like I said before, I've been keeping to myself. Haven't talked to anyone, not even my mom. She's been worried about me, so have the others. Mainly Henry, he's been calling and texting nonstop. He even came over once to see if I was alright. I heard my mom say I just wasn't feeling well, I think, I haven't left my room, and I can't hear that well from my door. I decided today was the day, I shall actually leave my room. Well, today I have a reason to. One of my friends from my old school is coming to visit. His name's Kian, he's like a brother to me.

I decided to try and look presentable, I mean I haven't seen him in forever. It's a good thing mom took me shopping, before I shut everyone out. I ran to my closet to find an outfit. (Outfit up top) I then pulled on my boots and grabbed my phone. I slowly crept out of my room, and down the stairs. Thank god, my mom was nowhere to be seen. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.
Hey my little smol beans, yep I actually updated an actual chapter. Be happy I updated, and don't get mad when I don't. Thanks. ~Flash Fanatic

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