16. Psycho

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        Who does this guy think he is? He thinks he just waltz in, and take me girl? I don't think so. Her and I made a promise when we were younger. She may not remember it, but I do. We were both 5 at the time, and I proposed to her with a ring pop. She giggled cutely and said we were too young. Then she promised she would say yes when we were older. We promised we would always be together. I'm not gonna let her break that promise. Not for him. Not for anyone.

          I know what she'll say. We were kids and we were just playing around. We didn't know what we were doing. She'll say she moved, met new people, made a new life. She'll say I can't actually believe that we can keep the promise that we made, say that we made it as a joke. She may have thought it was a joke, but I didn't. It was never a joke to me. She will be mine, not his. She was never meant to be his. She was always meant to be with me. She will be with me.

Since I had a break from my busy life, I thought I'd write a little something for you guys. Thank you for your support, your comments make me so happy to see. I love you guys so much, and I'll try to update some more. Hope you guys like this little piece. Bye! 😊😊😊

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