11. Kian

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~Jazmine's POV~

        I made my way to a nearby park where Kian and I were supposed to meet up. I didn't want him coming to my house, afraid something would happen. I turned around when I heard someone call my name. 'Who else?' I thought to myself, seeing none other than Henry Hart running over to me. "Hey Henry..." I quietly said.

        "Hey, have you been alright? I've tried texting you and I called a few times but you never answered. I cane over to see if you were ok but your mom said you weren't feeling well." Henry said, so fast I almost couldn't understand him. "I'm fine Henry." Was all I said to him before turning to leave. "Wait!" He exclaimed, grabbing my hand before I walk away. "What is it?" I asked, trying to hide my oh so obvious red face.

        "There's something I've been meaning to tell you.." He spoke quietly. Right before either of us could say another word, another voice called out my name. "Jazmine!" I heard the all too familiar voice. I looked to see the person I've been waiting to see, Kian. "Kian!" I exclaimed, smiling brightly at him.

        I ran from Henry, rushing over to hug my best friend. "It's so great to see you!" He laughed, returning the hug. "It's been way too long!" I laughed as well, smiling once we pulled away from the hug. "You ready to go?" He asked. I turned to look back at Henry, only to find him gone. Not thinking much of it, I turned back and nodded. "Yep! Let's go!"

~Henry's POV~

        I finally get the courage to tell her how I feel, and then another guy comes along. I couldn't stand there and watch someone else take the girl I was falling for. I ran off, not even bothering to say a word to Jaz. She was so happy to see him, yet she just wanted to get away from me. Guess I was just stupid enough to believe she ever liked me back.

Hope you guys enjoy this! I know it's been a while, but I've been having some writer's block. I'm back now, and here's a new chapter for you guys! Reading your comments brought tears to my eyes. This is really helping me reach more for my dream of being a writer! Thank you all so much, I love you guys!

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