3. Kidnapped

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~Henry's POV~

I walked to the park after school and when I got there I couldn't believe what I saw. Jazmine was being kidnapped. "Jazmine!" I screamed her name and ran towards her and the guy taking her. He knocked her out and started dragging her to a white van. The door to the van opened and he threw her in and got in the passenger seat. I was too late.

I called Ray and told him what happened and he said he would meet me at the man cave. I ran to Junk N Stuff as fast as I could. I ran inside and said hi to Gooch and ran to the elevator and screamed as I went down. I ran in and there was Ray. "Henry what happened to you?" He asked seeing as I was out of breath. "Ran....out of breath....." was all I could get out before I fell on my face.

Ray told me he found where they took her. We suited up and headed out.

~Jazmine's POV~

I woke up in a dark room. My hands were tied behind my back and my feet were tied together. How original (note the sarcasm). I looked around to see if I could see any light. I saw a little bit of light from under a door in the far back. I struggled with the ropes. Then I heard heard the door open and a huge figure walk in.

"Oh you're finally awake." A man laughed. "What do you want with me...." "I know that Kid Danger apparently cares about you, so I know him and Captain Man will come to save you. When they do, they're mine." That was all he said before he knocked me out...again.

Sorry I took so long! Hope you guys enjoy and sorry its so short! Love you guys! ~NinjaRose5050

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