4. Rescued

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~Jazmine's POV~

I woke up with a massive headache. Probably from being knocked out twice... I looked around and prayed to god that I would get out of here. I heard something in another room crash, but I couldn't tell what it was. I heard voices and loud bangs. 'I wish I knew what was happening.' I thought to myself. Then the door swung open, and there stood two figures. My rescuers. Captain Man and Kid Danger.

I was so happy to see them. Kid Danger came and untied me while Captain Man tied up my kidnappers. "Thank you so much for saving me." "It was no problem." Kid Danger flashed a smile at me. I couldn't help but smile back. He looked kinda familiar, but I couldn't place him. He then picked me up and carried me outside.

~Henry's POV~

I couldn't stop smiling at her. 'Stop it Henry! You just met her!' I carried her to the car and put her in the back. She immediately fell asleep, she must've been really tired. I shook my head smiling. I got in and so did Ray. I told him to just drop her off with me, since she is my neighbor.

I quickly changed and carried her up to her room, since her mom was already asleep. I layed her in her bed and covered her up. I smiled once again and went back over to my own house. I crawled in through my window hoping not to wake my family. Thankfully I didn't. I layed on my bed, staring at my ceiling, and just started thinking.

~Jazmine's POV~

~Next Morning~I woke up in my bed, don't know how I got home. I got up and got ready for school. I got dressed in the cutest outfit I could find.(Outfit up top) I put on some light makeup and went downstairs. I was suprised to see Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper sitting there. "Umm hey guys.." "Hey." they all said in unison. I found Henry and Jasper staring at me some. I just ignored it and went into the kitchen.

My mom didn't leave me any breakfast this morning, so I just grabbed a yogurt and spoon. I ate it quickly then grabbed my phone and bag. "I guess you guys were waiting for me?" "Yep." I shook my head and we all walked out the door. We made it to the school and so many people were staring at me. It was kinda weird. I just shook it off and went to my locker. I grabbed my stuff and went to class. The whole day everyone kept staring at me and I had no clue why. That was until I was in the bathroom, and I looked in the mirror....

Hey guy! I actually updated, it's a miracle! So hope you guys like it! ~NinjaRose5050

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