12. "Will you be mine?"

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~Jazmine's POV~

   As I was walking to the park with Kian, I couldn't help but wonder what it was that Henry wanted to tell me so bad, I mean we haven't talked or anything so I'm not sure what's going on. "Jaz, you ok? You keep zoning out." Kian said, a little concerned when I had stopped talking, for like the fifth time. "Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just have a lot on my mind that's all." I quietly spoke. "Alright. You know you can tell me what's going on." Kian said. "Yeah, I know. It's just personal, alright?" I sighed. "Alright, alright." He shook his head, finally giving in after constantly asking what was going on. "So, who was that you were talking to?" He asked once we reached the park. "Who?" I asked, not sure who he meant. "That guy you were talking to before you saw me." He said. "Oh, just a friend of mine. His names Henry." I told him. "Oh, so just a friend you said?" He questioned. "Yeah, he's just a friend." I confirmed, raising an eyebrow at him. "Cool."

   I went over to a big tree at the edge of the park, away from all the little kids running around, playing. I climbed up and sat on one of the stronger branches, Kian climbing up after me. "So, are you and Henry close?" He asked out of nowhere after a few minutes. "Why do you ask?" I questioned him. "Just curious about your friends here. So, are you?" He asked again. "Kian, what's up with you? Anytime we talk you're always telling me what's going on back home, and I tell you everything going on here. You already know pretty much everything, so why are you questioning everything now.?" I asked him. "I just want to know if he's gonna be competition for me." He said before jumping out of the tree. 'Competition?' I questioned in my mind. I the jumped down after him, grabbing his arm as he tried to walk off. "What do you mean, competition?" I asked. "You really don't see it, do you?" Kian shook his head as he turned around to face me.

   "See what? Kiki, you're really confusing me." I groaned. "Jazmine, I like you. I have for a long time. I have ever since I met you. I think you're amazing. Your hair, your eyes, your voice, your laugh, god. Everything about you is amazing. Why do you think I came here?" He sighed. "Kian..... you never told me you liked me....." "You never gave me the chance. I tried to, you always had something to do. I wanted to tell you before you left, but I never got the chance. So, here I am." Kian said, a bit bolder than before. "The only reason I came all the way out here, is because I love you Jazmine." He said, taking my hand in his. "So, Jazmine Love. Will you be mine?"

I'm back! I actually updated! I didn't know what I was typing, I was just going for it. Please let me know what you guys think, it really means a lot to me. Sorry I've been inactive a lot, I just have a lot going on right now. I really hope you guys like this, and thank you for your support. Love you guys! Bai!

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