6. This Is Crazy

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~Jazmine's POV~

After yesterday, my life has been crazy. Crazier than usual that is. I've been avoiding everyone. My mom, Henry, Charlotte, Jasper. I told my mom I was going to school, but I didn't. I saw Henry, but when he tried to talk to me I ran off. I ran into the woods again. I kept running, and running. I finally stopped and sat by a tree. I just sat there thinking.

~Henry's POV~

I'm so worried about Jazmine. I saw her earlier, but she ran when I tried to talk to her. I decided to skip school and go to see Ray. I was going to ask him if he could help me find her. I got to the store, and went straight for the elevator. I was so worried that I didn't even scream going down. As soon as the elevator got down to mancave, and I stood up since I fell on my face, I looked around for Ray. Strangely, Ray wasn't here. "Ray?" I called out, but got no answer. Where could he be? He's always here! I called him but he didn't pick up. This is just weird.

I decided to just go for a walk. I walked into the woods, it was quiet, until I heard someone singing. I his and listened.

Ready for a showdown and we're face to face. I think I'll rearrange it, put you in your place. You don't get the best of me, check it you're afraid of me. I'm stuck in your head, I'm back back from the dead. Gotcha running scared, I'm fearless. I'm calling you out. I'm taking you down. Don't you come around I'm fearless, I'm fearless.

I looked and saw Jazmine. She sounded amazing. "Wow." I must've said that out loud, cause I heard a gasp and then saw Jaz staring at me. "Uh, hey..." "Hey..." We stood there awkwardly, not saying anything. I wanted to say something, but couldn't build the courage to say anything. I looked at her, and her eyes were wide and she was looking behind me. The last thing I heard was her scream my name, then everything went black...
Hey guys! I decided to get back on this account and update this, since my friend has been bugging me about it. And cause I love y'all! Bai! Hope you enjoy it! ~NinjaRose5050

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