7. Where's Henry?!?

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~Jazmine's POV~

I looked away for just a second...and when I looked back, Henry was knocked out...and he was taken.... Why would someone do this? How did anyone find us? How did Henry find me? The thing that was really bugging me... Why wasn't I taken? I saw them take Henry so why didn't they take me? I could easily go and tell the police. But, then again, I feel as though its my fault. I just stood there...I could've done something. I could've helped Henry. But I didn't. Now I have to do something. I just...have to figure out what.... All of a sudden, I felt this weird pain in my head. I don't know what happened. But, I could see Henry. I could see where he was. And right beside him was.... Captain Man? What is going on......

I didn't know what I was doing, I just ran. I don't know how, but I ended up outside of SwellView, in front of some abandoned building. I heard voices inside. Then, weirdly, I could see inside. I saw Captain Man, and Henry, tied up n these guys leaving the room. I quietly made my way inside. Henry saw me and his eyes went wide. I quickly went over and untied them. I heard a door open, then the two guys were back. One of them grabbed me, while the other went to fight Captain Man. I felt something go through my body, and I threw the guy off of me. Henry just stared at me.

~Henry's POV~

How did she..... My mind was going crazy. Jazmine found us, and she just threw a guy, and her eyes were purple..... I just stared in amazement. I wanted to help Ray, but I couldn't let her know I was Kid Danger. When I looked over, I guess Ray took care of the guy because he was unconscious. I saw Ray look over at Jaz, and his eyes went wide too. I heard him mutter something, but I couldn't make out what. I made my way over to Jaz. "Jaz..how did you..." She shook her head. "Don't ask...cause I don't even know..."

~Ray's POV~(yeah that just happened)

I couldn't believe what I was seeing..... At first I had a small hunch....but now...I knew....I found her....I found my daughter....

Hey guys!!! I'm back!!!! I know this is short but it's an update. I'll try and update more, this one is short because today is my 8th grade graduation! I'll update more soon. Love y'all! ~NinjaRose5050

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