Chapter 1: do not give a fuck!

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Are you a person who just I don't know.. cares too much? Cares about what people think, cares about your insecurities, and cares about being a people pleaser? Well girly you are NOT going to stay like this forever! You will learn how to NOT GIVE A FUCK! With me your mentor who will be guiding you on these scenarios or topics that includes yourself caring about the negative things and not focusing on the POSITIVE things about YOU! Like bitch get yo shit together!!!

" Omg there's people staring! "
Bitch have you EVER been anxious when people's attention is drawn to you? Well of course I bet you have now haven't you? If you haven't then girl what the fuck you doing reading MY STORY??? Anyways- when people are staring at you DO NOT be nervous lady just think of it as "oh I must be really special now aren't I darling?" Now you might think " oh but people won't like me if I'm acting all delusional. " Well as for I am familiar with feeling that but please you gotta be a little delusional in your life now don't you? Because if you are this attracts all the SELF ESTEEM and SELF LOVE towards YOU my dear. Besides who cares what they think?? LIKE THEM THROW THE THOUGHT OF THEM AWAY AND MOVE THE FUCK ON! Another way to put this is think of them as your FANS or ADMIRERS . This would definitely result in you and your INNER DARK FEMME SHOWING ITS COLORS!!

"No I'm too embarrassed to do this.. WHAT WILL THEY THINK?! "

Is that your mindset.. no no.. let me teach you how to EMBRACE YOURSELF. For example maybe you're in the gym and you want to go do this exercise you saw online right? The exercise is truly effective although you're thinking " no it looks weird.. I can't do this what will THEY think??" Well first off turn it into " okay I CAN and I WILL do this regardless of what these people think and of course they won't confront me so there's nothing to worry about stress free baby! " Second of all just DO IT like ok who cares about others opinions on YOU? You are your own person and you will do what you WISH because if you want to do it.. do it in the moment otherwise you will most likely regret it later. Another example is " I REALLY WANT to wear this but.. they will body shame me! " NO GIRL BURN ALL OF THAT THINKING IMMEDIATELY!! First thing you should do is have a mindset where your like " fuck what they think I LOVE my body and I will NOT LET OTHERS tell me how to dress or how fat or skinny I look in my outfit IF I WANT TO WEAR IT I WEAR IT." If you keep that mindset most likely you will be more confident, comfortable, and less likely to give a shit.

" If I don't do this they might not like me anymore.. "

Like I said in my intro- GET YO SHIT TOGETHER! If you're trying to go down the road of success in this part of your life or career then this one's for you. If you're losing people or if they are trying to bring you down because of what your dreams are... then girl.. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! You may be like "Bitch wtf why is that something to be proud of??" Well whenever this happens it means that the process is working! PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU WILL LOSE PEOPLE AND THEY WILL TRY TO BRING YOU DOWN BY MAKING FUN OF YOUR DREAMS OR SAYING  "well it's not going to happen it's too big" Darling please just let it go~ let me motivate you with this inspiring quote I've heard. " Darling you are always bad in someone's story " Do accept that and move on because not everyone will like you and YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A PEOPLE PLEASER! The people who do not like you just don't even focus on them focus on you and be grateful for those who truly support you. Say, someone who you thought was close with you stops being your friend right? Well that just means that the person wasn't for you babe and instead of being all sad about it, like I said accept it and move on. Acceptance is the most important part of self growth. It helps you be confident, comfortable, and everything else you struggle with.

The " what about it? "
Listen up ladies today I saw this thing online and it said when someone says something rude to you always reply with what about it? This makes them sound stupid and it makes them embarrassed. Also you can just look at them confused or just stare in silence. This will  make them look bad and it'll show them that you really don't care about their opinion.

Any other things you need help with to show you don't care? Do comment it.

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