Chapter 19: More beauty quotes!

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Hey lovely humans! Today's chapter is on beauty quotes! The last chapter I made about quotes was pretty fascinating to me so the little voice in my head figured "Hmm.. Minn you should totally do this again although the topic should be beauty. " And I said " Hell yea! Let's get a move on! " So yea.. let's get a move on!


" Beauty attracts the eyes but personality captures the heart "
" Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself "
" Be your own kind of beautiful "
" Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside "
" The most beautiful things you can wear are your self confidence and your self love "
Time for my own quote...
" Beauty blossoms the moment you realize that you are beautiful in every aspect of yourself " - Minn Kaur

Time for Coco Chanel...
" In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different "
" If you want to be original be ready to be copied"
" Keep your heels, head & standards high! "
" Be who you are not who the world wants you to be "
" A girl should be two things classy and fabulous "
Time for my own quote...
" Classiness is key darling shine and look classy while doing it " - Minn Kaur

Time for beauty affirmations...
" Everyone always asks what I did to be so perfect"
" Everyone agrees that I am the most beautiful person to ever exist "
" I have extreme pretty privilege "
" People literally stop me when I'm out just to tell me how beautiful I am "
" I constantly get compliments on my good looks"
Time for my own quote...
" People obsess over me "

Any questions or requests on this chapter? If so do make a comment!

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