Chapter 10: quotes to motivate yourself

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Have you ever seen those books with a single quote on every page? Well I will l be adding quotes on every topic in this chapter such as success, workout, health, revenge, bravery, women quotes, and procrastination. Let's move on and don't forget to make any comments if you have requests on this chapter!


Procrastination :
" The cost of procrastination is the life you could've lived "
" Yesterday you said tomorrow "
" Don't disrespect your potential by procrastinating "
" Each time you procrastinate is a moment in your life you can never get back. Don't delay living the life you want your time is now. "
" Don't spend another year doing the same shit "
Now.. time for my own quote..
" Work so hard that you get to the stage where you can say.. yes this is me I am successful and I am others inspiration " - Minn kaur

" Make it happen girl shock everyone "
" Their downfall is always going to be who they are "
" I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible, and when I leave you will finally understand why storms are named after people "
" I hope the bus you threw me under swerves to hit you on the sidewalk "
" I will remember and recover not forgive and forget "
Now time for my own quote..
" Your success will be your true revenge if they come running back for seconds just remember that if you never got seconds they won't either so don't even hesitate just delete, move on, repeat. " - Minn Kaur

Time for Marilyn's quotes:
" Imperfection  is beauty,  madness is genius and it's better to be ridiculous than absolutely boring"
" Be real, be yourself, be unique, be true, be honest, be humble, be happy... "
" I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it "
"To all the girls that think you're fat because you're not a size zero, you're the beautiful one it's society that's ugly. "
" Well  behaved women rarely make history "
Now time for my own...
" Ugly personalities create ugly people " -Minn Kaur

" Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. "
" Your health is an investment not an expense "
" Your body is your temple take care of it and it will take care of you "
" Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle "
" EAT well MOVE daily HYDRATE often SLEEP lots LOVE your body "
Now time for my own quote..
" Your body is apart of you. You are how you look. It's about time you accept that. " -Minn Kaur

" Brave isn't a feeling it is a choice "
" No one tells you that bravery feels like fear"
" Bravery is the audacity to be unhinged by failures and to walk with freedom, strength, hope, in the face of things unknown "
" Strength grows in the moments when you think you can't go on but you keep going anyway "
" The same bravery that found you in the most challenging time of your life is the same bravery that is with you today "
" You think bravery is being confident? No it is having a tired body, being scared, failing, but having the slightest bit of determination and doing it anyways that is bravery. " -Minn Kaur

" Junk food you've craved for an hour or the body you've craved for a lifetime? Your decision. "
" Each day you must choose the pain of discipline or the pain of regret "
" Workout because you love your body not because you hate it "
" it's a slow process but quitting it won't speed it up "
" A month from now... you can either have a month of progress or a month of excuses why you didn't "
Now time for my own quote...
" No excuses I don't care if you're tired that's bullshit you do it till you feel something.. something that tells you.. yes I can see myself in my dream body... " -Minn Kaur

Very long chapter am I right? Well I hope these quotes and some of my own are helpful enough for you guys!

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