Chapter 23: Jealousy and how you can change it

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Hey guys! Today's chapter is about jealousy and can be helpful for the people whom struggle with it. A reminder as always remember that this isn't my work although I did learn from it and I'm willing to share this information with you guys. I got my information from the episode "Turning jealousy into inspiration" by Inayah. I'll only talk about the two main things you guys will need to focus on although I think Inayah's episode has more to share so I just after reading this chapter you watch her video.

Don't be jealous inspire yourself!
Don't you ever just look at a person and think "Why can't I have what they have?" Or "They shouldn't be having this I should" Well instead of thinking or speaking negatively you could ask yourself "How can I be happy for them?" And "How could I become them but in my authentic way?" First off you NEED to be happy for others because why do you even have the need to envy them in the first place? If they have something you can have it too. Second, you cannot copy someone and expect that jealousy to be gone. For instance, the person can do something and get praise for it that may increase your envy towards them and lower your energy. Remember, you need a good energy and no negativity and here's a reminder: if you are copying someone or if someone is copying you just remember that nobody beats the original. If you're copying someone then it's best to stop if you want to be like them then you should use them as an inspo not something you could copy and paste. If you are being copied then I'm sure the reminder says enough but also there is no reason to get jealous of the other person since they're not even on your level.

Accept and move on!
What sounds better feeling anger and resentment or being happy and moving on? Being happy and moving on right? Well in order to feel this way you HAVE to accept what you're feeling in the moment. Remember, you cannot expect to master this quickly and even if you ever master that ability to accept the envy you may feel for someone you could still feel it later on but on the bright side you will feel it less. How could you accept these strong emotions you ask? Well it's hard at first but you'll get the hang of it. You just got to tell yourself "I may not have what this person has and I may feel this way but I'm grateful for what I currently have and I can work towards my goal to share what this person has." In short, Just be grateful for what you already have and achieved which I myself may consider accepting your feelings.

The end!
Hope you guys liked this chapter and I myself feel like I wasn't copying Inayah much although it'd be wrong to not give her some credit! Go check out her episode now and I hope you enjoy that as well! Any requests related to this topic? Do add a comment and I will work on it in a next chapter or I'll add it to this chapter!

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