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He broke up with you? Guess what.. HE WASN'T FOR YOU! This chapter will be talking about your major glow up, new single attitude, and acceptance.

" I really want him to chase me"
You want him to chase you? Glow up!
Here's some suggestions on how to glow up: the hair transformation, getting the revenge body, changing up your wardrobe to classy things also remember DRESS RICH ACT RICH!, work on your skin, add a touch of glam to your face, and the most highly recommended thing... * drum roll.. * THE IDGAF + I DON'T NEED ANYONE ATTITUDE!

" How will the attitude help me? "
The attitude will help you by making him think he might have a chance to win you back or it'll make you look more attractive towards him. This doesn't only apply to just him though it can apply to other guys or your exes who think they might have potential. BUT DO REMEMBER THIS! NEVER EVER EVERRR TAKE THEM BACK! THAT WILL BE THE PART YOU FUCK IT UP! No matter what they say hold yourself back. Do not let yourself down by getting yourself hurt again.

" How do I get over him? "
THIS QUESTION IS THE EASIEST ONE FOR ME TO ANSWER! Sit back, relax, and enjoy him chasing you plus the other dudes too. But most definitely.. LISTEN TO TAM AND LIZ!!! Do use this as a chance to focus on YOU. Work on your self love and self esteem. Respect yourself.

Yes babes I know this was shorter than the other chapters but if you have any other topics/scenarios related to this chapter do make those requests!

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