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Chapter 496 It's okay if that official doesn't do it

Mrs. He used to be very satisfied with her life, but since she came to the northwest, she found that she had lived half her life and had just realized what the joy of life was.

Perhaps this kind of life can last forever only if we stay in the northwest.

As a son, He Ziming can naturally understand some of his mother's thoughts.

If his mother had disagreed with what he said today, she would have refuted it long ago. However, her mother did not immediately refute it today. Not only that, it seemed that she also listened to what her sister said.

As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot. He Ziming felt that the heat was almost there, so he said:

"Mom, what's wrong with your son staying in the northwest? Let's build a yard like Ranran's house and raise some poultry and livestock. Not only that, I'll be close to Ranran, and there's still a care between our brothers and sisters. ."

Mrs. He had to admit that her son's words touched her heart.

"Actually, mother also wants to stay in the northwest, but your father..."

She didn't need to speak too clearly, both siblings understood what their mother meant.

"Mom, Dad once said that after my career is stable and I can support the He family, I plan to retire and return home, and take you to live the life of an ordinary person so that you can enjoy your old age.

Now that the situation between the DPRK and China is unstable, and my father is a neutral person, this will inevitably offend some people in power. Instead of living in dire straits in the capital, it is better to persuade him to resign from his official position as soon as possible.

As the saying goes, without an official position, our family will stay away from the place of right and wrong and live a comfortable life.

And my son has medical skills. Don't look at the fact that everyone calls me the gynecological master. That's because I mainly studied gynecological medical skills. Despite this, I have also learned other medical skills. Although I dare not say that I am proficient in it, ordinary doctors still cannot and I compared.

I can guarantee that in the future, you two will have enough food and clothing. "

"Mom, I think my eldest brother is right. Emperor Shunwu is fatuous, his son is not an economical lamp, and the Queen's party is causing trouble for the government. In such a situation, it's okay for dad to not be an official!"

In her eyes, no power or wealth is as important as the safety of her family.

What's more, she understands her father's temper. He is too upright and can easily offend others if he encounters something that he doesn't like.

Instead of surviving in that smoky court, it would be better to live a comfortable life in the fields.

Even though the eldest brother cannot guarantee that her parents will have a worry-free life in the future, she can definitely ensure that the two elders have enough food and clothing.

She still has such a magical space. When the time comes, she will buy some gadgets for her parents to relieve their boredom to ensure that their future lives will not be boring.

"Ran Ran, don't say such things casually."

After all, Mrs. He was timid. Although she agreed with her daughter's statement, she could easily get killed if she said such rebellious words in his opinion.

"Mom, there are no outsiders here, I'm just telling you what I really think.

If you don't have any objections here, I plan to make all arrangements at home in a few days and then leave for the capital with my husband. I will personally tell my father about these things and how to choose according to his own wishes.

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