Four years later

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Warning something's will be different than the actual story line, thanks for reading the sequel!! Got the picture from Google!!

This is super important, Naruto has been gone the usual 2 1/2 years, but nothing has happened for the rest of the time just usual mission and such, until Kiada comes back. So the stuff with Gaara dosent start until Kiada comes back! Thanks!!

"How much longer is it to the village you geezer." I groaned as we walked down the beaten dirt road that was getting more worn out as I stomped my feet in anger and exhaustion.

"Calm down shit head, we will be there within five minutes."
"It's not my fault that you woke me up at the crack of dawn, Izo. Espically since you and your stupid idea to poke a sleeping Dragon! Then you expect me to walk ten hours because you suddenly wanna go home!! You stupid old man! What do you have planned!?" I shouted/ complained as my arms hung at my side.

My clothes have changed drastically over the years,( the ones in the pic, except her shorts are just below her belly button and there are bandages coverin her legs to mid thigh. She also has a jacket like Minato did when he was Hokage except it is white and black with hints of red! Thanks!!) my red hair remained short (she wears it like in the pic with her headband from Uzumokugure, she wears her Konoha one around her right thigh) and my eyes were still a bright blue that apperently glows in the dark, he he Izo found out the hard way, he he.

I looked at the man that I spent the last four years with, his dark brown hair got lighter over the years, it went well with his pale green eyes, he got a tan so his scar over his right eye was more noticeable and he still had the slight stubble. If he wasn't so old I would of totally dated him, except I would run when I would learn of his sleeping habits.

Lesson one with Izo: no spicy foods before bed and always stay upwind of him.

He caught me staring and grew an irk mark before hitting me on my head.
"What are you looking at, shit head."
"Nothing much at all, Jack ass. You know, if you got a hair cut once in a while and actually bathed you might just be able to attract a member of the opposite sex, if that is what you are into." He rubbed his face as the village gates came into sight and I stopped walking and jus stared at the doors.

This would be the first time in four years that I would be back home, that I even thought about coming back home, deep down I knew that this would happen eventually and I just hoped that we would never have to come back or I would of died on a mission or something. I didn't want to face him at all.

"Naruto?" He glared at me.

"How could you!?"
"Sakura-chan told me that she saw you before Sasuke knocked her out, you say that you have all this strength, but you couldn't stop him? Why?!?" He was very angry at me and I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up.

"You wouldn't understand, Naruto." he growled at me.
"Try me!"
"In order for the things to come to happen he needs to make the mistakes he will. it will help the village and both of you greatly in the future."

"That's not a good enough reason!! Are you in league with Orochimaru? No family of mine would ever do this! I bet you purposely let the old man die so he could get to Sasuke!"
I stood up in anger and pointed a finger at him threateningly.

"Don't you DARE say that to me! I fought hard but I didn't have enough chakra in the end, plus you heard what those ANBU have said! Why would they lie? And you take that back!!"

"No! And they could of been under a Genjutsu that you created! Did all of this mean nothing to you? Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, Shika, Kiba, choji, Bushy brows and bushy brows sensei! Gaara and the rest, was all that fake!! You barely cried after Ichigo died! How do I know that you are even my own sister! I am not related to a monster like you! Just stay away from me!"

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