Pein's attack

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It was a cloudy day when I was summoned to the Hokage tower, I was walking around with Hinata when I saw the eagle. Asuma was let out of the hospital not that long ago and he went on a really dangerous mission to spy on the Akatsuki with Jiraya and I had a bad feeling about this.

Espically when I saw Kureni burst through crying, Hinata gave me an apologetic look before running after her Sensei. Now I really had a bad feeling.

Sticking my hands in my coat pockets I walked towards the tower, somehow knowing the news already. They were gone, the both of them, gone.

I sighed and walked up the steps slowly, but got to the door to the office quickly anyway which annoyed me to no end.

Not even bothering to knock I just walked in to see Naruto standing there, his head down and fist's clench. I knew of the bond they shared but I didn't know it went this deep.

"Kiada, I assume you figured it out?" The fifths voice broke Naruto out of his trance as he turned to look at me, I stared back at him blankly before nodding to the Hokage. On the desk beside her were the elder frogs, they must of been summoned with Jiraya, looking into their sad but business like eyes I could see what happened to them. Asuma fought bravely and extremely well, but he died protecting Jiraya's back and Jiraya died soon after. I sighed as Naruto left with the Frogs to learn the Sage mode from them. To become a Toad Sage.

Just as they left another one of mothers visions hit me, they have been doing this more and more as of late and I wasn't sure why, or for the fact of the matter, I also want to know why she wasn't answering me, I will have to meditate on this.

I looked to the Hokage as the vision passed.
"Pain is going to attack in three days time, we need to make an evacuation plan."

She laced her fingers together on the desk and looked at me with steady eyes.

"Here is what we will do...."

Three days later......

Once again I was walking around with Hinata, she was telling me how her sensei was coping of the death of her lover, she wasn't doing to good but we both know that she will pull through. A cloud quickly passed over us and I looked up to see a figure above is, a cloak blowing all around him.

"Hinata!! Run and tell the Hokage it has begun!! Tell her to evacuate!! I'll distract him!!"

"We don't have time for this!! Run!!" I gave her a gentle shove towards the Hokage tower as I jumped up to meet him, jumping higher than he was to deliver a stronger punch to his body.

"Who aware you?!?" I shouted to the man as we both stood on an invisible platform, I needed to distract him for as long as possible until most of the city was clear.

We fought in the clouds as I could hear the panicked screaming from down below. We were locked in Taijutsu and he was fighting with chakra eating rods, noticing this I cleanly wiped my chakra system, filling it with false chakra that the rod began to absorb, a trick I was going to use against Kisame to blow up his sword.

The rod in his hand exploded as my ear piece came to life saying that the clones were in place and that the towns people were safe.

I jumped down to join the crowd, as the Orange haired make grew furious and thrusted his hand downwards.

In the corner of my eye I saw some children running around playing tag, I knew that these were not clones.

"RUN!!!" I screamed to them as I heard a loud shout from above.

"ALMIGHTY PUSH!!!"  Jumping up to the rooftop of the tallest nearest building I threw a shield up to protect the whole town as some ninja grabbed the stragglers.

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