Trapped in ones own mind

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Sakura's POV

I was surprised when Kiada suddenly showed up next to me. It looked like she was barely aware of her injuries, that blast really did a number on her.

With the Hokage's training I could easily see that her entire left arm's bone was crushed, the nerve endings fried and would never work again. Her blood matted her hair to her face and ran down the side of her head, her lips were cut, bleeding and swollen as I could see some internal bleeding from her fight earlier with Pein as well as many small and large gashes that surrounded er body in red, they varied in size and depth but we're all bleeding, she would not make it through this fight yet I felt like something special would intervene, like Kami herself would step in and save her, like her purpose was not up yet.

Taking my surprise she didn't even look me in the eye as she spoke, making one hand, hand signs. I never knew she could do that...

"Help Hinata." Was all she said, her voice was hoarse and filled with all the pain and regret that she has hidden all these years.
"What?" I whispered, I was still shocked by her sudden appearance and I could sense very little chakra in her body, how was she able to move?

Her blue eyes met my green ones as I saw determination, determination to protect all that she could, while she was still breathing and I was reminded of something that happened all those years ago...

"Now that we know a certain someone can talk, she should introduce herself to us. Like we did when we first met." Kakashi-Sensei's voice ring through the air as we walked back to Konoha from the Land of Waves.

I could hear Kiada sigh, sounding like she would rather be anywhere else but here.

"My name is Kiada Uzumaki. My likes you don't need to know, I have many dislikes, my hobbies are my own, and I don't have a dream." Her voice was monotone, empty, and dead. She has been like that since we left after burying her cousin.

Kakashi sweat dropped at the similar answer, much like the one he gave when they asked him. Naruto, being NARUTO, decided to get loud and yell.

"HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE A DREAM? WHY DID YOU BECOME A NINJA THEN? HUH??" I hit him on the head, I won't admit it but I was scared of the red haired girl, I saw her sneak out to train, I didn't want to die so soon.

"Shut up Baka!"
"Ow!! Sakura-chan! That hurt DATTABOYO!!"
"Urusai!!" (Shut up)

"Hmm, I guess you could say I became a ninja by force." I lowered my fist from hitting Naruto again as we all stopped on the road, we turned to look at the mysterious girl infront of us.

Even Sasuke-kun seemed interested in this, but he won't like her right? SASUKE IS MINE!!!

"By force? Pathetic." Sasuke said, I swooned as he turned his head away from Kiada.

"You became a ninja to avenge your clan. To become strong enough to beat your brother, long before your brother slaughters your family you wanted to show your father that you were just as good as, if not better than your brother did you not? You are forcing yourself to be a ninja and how to harness your hate to grow stronger so you can kill Itachi.... Ne? See, we are not so different, yet we are very different."

Her tone was dark and cold, it came from deep within showing briefly how far into the darkness she has truly fallen. I turned to look at Sasuke, his head was down and his fists were clenched so tightly that blood was falling from his palms. Kakashi stood nearby, most likely to stop them from fighting if need be, or to stop Sasuke from trying to get himself killed.

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