What happened to Panda?

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It has been a week since Izo and I have returned to Konoha. I was still cold towards everyone and I have been avoiding Naruto at all costs.

I was walking around the village when a shadow passed over my head bearing the mark of Suna, something was wrong as I knew that bird to be the fastest in Suna, if they were using him..... I hope Gaara is alright....

I shook my head as my memories of Suna floated in my mind, Gaara and I have grown close during my stay there, we were almost like siblings, he was my Panda and I was his fire. According to him.

I ran to the HoKage tower, making sure my mask was up incase Naruto was there as well, my coat flapped in the wind with my speed as I ran up the steps skipping two at a time before I burst through the door to see Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto and Izo already there.

"Ah, I was just going to call for you." I noticed that she didn't say my name, I appreciated that as I didn't want Naruto to know that I was here yet.

"Gaara, has been kidnapped by the Akustaki, They sent us a letter for reinforcements. Kankuro has met the enemy but has come back gravely wounded and poisoned. that's where your two come in. They specifically asked for you, Red." that was the name she would use to address me when ever someone we didn't want to know who I was was near, we also used it during our letters. For fun and incase someone intercepted them.

"Red and Kakashi will be team leaders, you are to leave immediately." Kakashi and I looked at each other and nodded, I could feel Naruto's eyes looking at me. It would be a long three days with him during our journey there, I just hope that he doesn't did out.

We all ran to our respective places, it would be the first time that I went home. I stayed at Izo's with him for the week before he finally told me to go home. He is such a hard ass.

I snuck in through the back and opened my widow before climbing through, I hid my chakra so Naruto wouldn't be able to sense me an rummaged through my things. I could hunt for food so I didn't really need to bring any so I picked up some scrolls and re-stocked my Kuni knives and medical supplies, who knows that we will need it.

I walked into the bathroom, my room was virtually untouched, the the red hair that I cut was gone and the bathroom was dusty like everything else except for my foot prints and the spots where it looked like someone walked in here.

I walked back out into my room o see my necklace that Ichigo gave me still hangin there, it was the one object that was completely clean, almost to clean, like if someone came in an cleaned it everyday.

It was a red lotus flower, Ichigo always said that I was delicate and pure like the lotus, but within me was a ever burning flame, so the red lotus.

"Ichigo...." I cut myself short as I went to reach the necklace as I felt Naruto makin his way to my room. I ran to the window and quickly hopped out and climbed to the roof, forgetting to close the window as I ran to the gate.

What would he be doing going to my room?

I was the first one there, Kakashi was second, Sakura third and finally Naruto last. I kept an indifferent look on my face as we nodded to each other and exited the gates.

Two days later----

We were almost to Suna, we encountered Temari on our way to the city so she was now traveling with us. She knew not to mention my name so she, as well as the others, just called me Red.

Naruto tried to talk to me but he was quickly shit down when I would never answer, he grew frustrated and yelled a little but when the others made the excuse that I couldn't speak he apologized. He has changed and grew so much in four years that I almost didn't recognize him as my little brother anymore. Wait.... he didn't want to be family with me, so he is no longer my brother. damn it why dose that bother me!!

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