So, what did I miss?

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"Because I love you." Did that seriously come out of his mouth?

It seemed to me that everything froze around me as I locked my eyes on his that were still staring at me. My eyes began to water and spill over once again, the droplets falling on his face.

Kakashi steppe forward, finally noticing that I was fighting against myself, hi Sharigan eye picking up on my whereabouts.

"Kiada, you are not a failure, you are one of the strongest shinobi that I know. I am proud to have been your Sensei for a little while and I know that Izo was as well. You can fight this." He tried to encourage me but his voice was background noise as i solely focused on Gaara.

It seemed as though he could see me as his eyes stayed locked with my own as it became harder to hold the Kuni back, the evil me screeched in anger, the sound made me want to cover my ears.

"I trust you because I love you. Didn't you know that?" No, this is the first time that you have told me, you fat Panda!! I shouted angrily in my mind.

"I can't stop her, I am to weak, panda. You need to get away." He shook his head.

"You are not weak, you are just unsure. You can do it. You won't let me die a second time will you?" Ok, that was a low blow.

I sighed as I looked into those black eyes and my knees shook. I held my gaze as fear tried to consume me, she was trying to throw me off again, but I won't let it happen a second time.

I planted my feet firmly in the ground, making little divots where I stood. My gaze hardened as I glared at her, well me.

The Kuni knife pierced through the palm of my left hand as my right gripped hers. I rode my right hand, forcing her to go with me as the knife left my hand, causing a hole to show where it once was, but I ignored the pain as I focused on saving Gaara.

"I love you to." I whispered, I knew e heard it though, but I couldn't see his reaction as my focus was on her. How do I get back into my own body?

I shoved her away and stood a few feet infront of the small group. Sakura was heading over to Naruto to heal him and Kakashi helped Gaara to his feet as they both struggled to find me.

A sudden thought came to mind that I was unsure if it would work. I bit my lip as I thought.

Fuck it.

I tensed my legs, getting ready for a sudden sprint as the other me got ready, thinking that I was going to attack. My left hand was still bleeding heavily and j knew that I didn't have much time left as I felt myself getting weaker.

I chanced a look at Izo's body and felt the guilt, the anger, and the hate again trying to consume me and convince me to let her take over.
I need to end this quickly!!

Leaning forward I suddenly bolted towards her body, leaving a trail of dust as I sped towards her only to jump as if I was going to dive into a pool.

Except the pool was her stomach.

Third P.O.V .

The group of people stood still as Kiada's body suddenly stood still. They could see the spot where the outer Kiada once was and if she was still there or not they did not know.

Kiada reached upwards and clutched her head. Kakashi took a step towards where she stood with his hands in the air.

"Kia?" Kiada fell to her knees as her features fought to change, her fangs would retract and then regrow only do do It over again.


The voices would change as they could now see that Kiada was fighting for control. Her voice would change from the murderous tone to a pleading one as they argued.

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