Back together?

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There's The guy!! Only with one eye though, his left one is missing!!

"Impossible..." Was my only words, I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw him die! I swore that I saw him die!! I was right there on the bridge with him!!

"Did it work?" I asked myself as I looked over to Ichigo, only to see him laying on the ground unmoving. I ran the short distance to where his body was, my own body was worn and exhausted and dangerously low on chakra, but none of that mattered as I tried to heal him. my hands glowed green but it kept going out as I didn't have enough.

"NO! ICHIGO! DONT YOU DARE LEAVE ME! ICHIGO! I-i-Ichigo....." I stopped screaming as the sobs shook my body. I placed my head on his chest only to hear no heart beat.

I blinked my eyes, making the memory go away, it was so long ago that I was surprised that I remembered it that clearly. My eyes widened as I remembered something else.

The Tanaka clan has a special jutsu that when they died, their body would burn to nothing and their chakra and powers would go to a person of their choosing, and I was Ichigos partner.

Oh. My. Kami.

"You were alive, this hole time you were alive! I should of known.... I should of known! Don't worry Ichigo, I'll get us out of here, don't worry."

I reached up and with the key that I swiped from that guard I unlocked his shackles and put his weight on my back. This is my fault..

There was banging and shouts coming from down the hall and know that Sasuke woke up and got others.

I quickly secured him to my back as I felt his blood run down my bare back, as te door burst open I made the handsigns to transport to anywhere but here.

And that anywhere led me to a battle field.... Near a bounty place?

I hid in the trees and made a barrier that I was so fond of making, while concealing my chakra. I watched as three people crowded around a fourth who was laying on the ground, most likely dying. There were two people in the distance who had black cloaks with white clouds in a red outline, the Akatuski.

I looked over at the team in pity, until I recognized Shikamaru's spiky hair. That's Asuma!!

I brought Ichigo with me as I jumped out of the tree and sprinted towards them, I can't let him die, I didn't save the HoKage but I will save him!!

I dropped Ichigo onto the ground as team 10 looked up at me in surprise. I have no idea how long I was kept in that hideout or what I looked like right now, but by the looks on their faces I didn't look good.

I moved Ino off of his body and looked into his wide eyes, he looked at me in surprise.

I used quick thinking and placed my hands over his midsection and they started to flow white, I was surprised.

Mama? Your helping me?
Of course my little fire dragon, I know how much this means to you..
Thank you, mama.

I smiled as one of my eyes shifted to her white one. I focused more of our chakra into his body, urging the muscles and blood veins to heal and be put back together.

Shika and the rest of his team watched me in shock.
"Kiada... How? What? When?" They were cut short as if they still couldn't believe that I was here.

Come home, come back Book: 2Where stories live. Discover now