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Itachi charged at me while I sat on the ground, Kakashi and Izo were beside me as Izo was holding Kakashi back.

"Just watch! Kakashi calm down, see what she dose."
"Izo he will kill her!" Kakashi shouted at him, I turned my head and smirked at Kakashi, he froze at the furious look in my eyes.

I looked at the man coming towards me to attack, it looked like he was going slow motion as he made hand signs for a fire ball jutsu. I stayed still, still siting on the ground.

I looked into his red eyes, "You don't scare me, Itachi!" I shouted as I swung my fist forward and then standin up I swung a kick. Everyone watched as he came closer only to suddenly be flung back by an invisible force to the face, only to have something hit his stomac making him bend over in the air.

I walked closer, my fist's clenched and j grabbed the front of his cloak and lifted him in the air, he was winded but I didn't take any chances so I pressed the pressure points on his shoulders so he couldn't go any Jutsu's.

"WHERE. IS. GAARA!!" I yelled into his face as my eyes flickered white' I could feel the power of Ragnda trying to break through, the door that held her and I at bay was weakening and beginning to crack in my desperation to  find him.

I shook him again, "WHERE?" He remained silent as his hands started to get feeling into it again and he pushed me away' growlin I formed a Rasengan in my hands and I ran at him with it.

"RASENGAN!!" Running forward i thrusted my arm forward as I could feel the fabric of his cloak lightly brush my fingers. The Jutsu made him fly backwards into the dirt, creating a path of freshly dug up soil.

I stood with my arms at my sides as I leaned on my knees, I don't know why but that one JUTSU just wore me out, maybe it had something to do with Ragnda's door.... I'll have to try it out again later but for now...

During our scuffle Kakashi had called out my name, not red, but Kia. I looked into Naruto's eyes as he figured it out in his head.

I watched his blue eyes land on Izo, then they trailed a path to meet my blue ones that were nearly identical to his, only mine were dark, dead, and empty.

"Kiada? Is that really you?" I tilted my head to the side, slowly blinking I nodded my head. His face broke out into a grin before faltering slightly when I walked away from him, not acknowledging him in any way.

I could hear Izo sigh and follow after me as I went to the body laying on the ground, he had brown hair that was short but on top of that was one of the white caps that the sand wear when they go out into the desert.

There was some blood coming from the side of his mouth as I went to check his pulse, only to find none.

"This man is one of the Council members for the Sand. How did this happen?" I shook my head, I really didn't know and I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

Sighing I felt Izo's hand on my shoulder as he squeezed gently, for support against my brother and for Gaara. I turned to look up at him as my blue eyes met his pale green ones that were normally so stern that now held a comforting softness to them.

I nodded my head, signaling that I was ok, before standing up again to continue the search for Gaara.

Time skip because I don't remember this episode very well---

We were at the familiar large Boulder that barred us from Gaara, so many memories flashed through my mind at the sight of that seal...we met Team Gai earlier and they seemed surprised that I was back, well we never really made an official announcement or really let anyone know either.

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