A debt repaid

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He held my hand all the way to Asuma's room. I knocked on the door as he squeezed my hand in comfort and I was glad that he was there.

I heard a raspy 'come in' and I opened the door.

Inside was Asuma sitting on his fidgeting with his lighter, looking like he wanted a smoke. Beside his bed was Kureni-sensei and she smiled brightly as I entered the room. With trained medical eyes I could just barely see a little bump forming in her stomach. My eyes widened as I pointed at her, then at the man in the bed, mouth flopping like a fish, she giggle and nodded.

I laughed an gave her a hug in congrats.

I turned to the smoke deprived man and grinned with my hands on my hips.

"So, some one has been gettin some!! Way to be sensei, way to be!!" He rubbed his face as Kureni blushed and Gaara coughed awkwardly.

"Soooo, you wanted to see me?" I rose an eyebrow as I relaxed my stance, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched the two lovers.

"Who is the God Father? Lemme guess.... Shika." I didn't need to question it, I just knew.

They both smiled at me and that was an answer enough. I looked to Asuma, who was sitting up in bed.

"How ya feeling?" He shrugged his shoulders.
"Like I need a smoke." I gave him a glare as I wagged a finger at him, still holding Gaara's hand.

"I fixed your lungs old man, do you know how bad they were?!? It looked like you were about to develop lung cancer!! I cleaned that shit out!! If I see you pick up another cigarette, I gut you like a fish!!"

He paled and nodded, throwing me his lighter, as Kureni laughed, until I turned to look at her.
"And you missy!! If I hear that you went on a mission, even if it is a D-rank one, I'll take away Asuma for a week!!" I couldn't threaten her body or anything as she is pregenate, but this will affect her just as much I would think.

She smiled at me and Asuma coughed up a lung with a look of horror in his eyes before the atmosphere turned serious.

"What all happened? I know the HoKage will ask you later but..." He trailed off and looked like he was looking for a smoke.
"Jeez I would kill for a smoke.." Mine and Kureni's glare cut him off.

I sighed and dragged Gaara over to the empty hospital chair and sat him down and sat on his lap, still holding his hand I dragged his arm over my waist so they rested on my lap.

"To be honest I don't remember anything." I looked down and played with Gaara's and mine intertwined fingers nervously, not really wanting to go into details that while I was passed out some of the snippets that were revealed to me.

"What do you remember?" This time it was Gaara who asked, he held my hands, stopping my fidgeting and he knew that I couldn't lie to him.

"I remember waking up in a lab, it was cold and dark. There was chemical labs everywhere and I was in this... Large cylinder. I was hooked up to these wires and I was floating in this green liquid, I got electrocuted again and again and again until I passed out.

I remember waking up chained to a table, on my left was a metal table filled with bloody tools. My body was numb I couldn't feel anything.... Kabuto walked in... Muttering about another experiment and wanting to try something new, he had this glint in his eyes that scared me... I blacked out when he jumped on the table....
" I remember waking up before I left, I was in a cold cement cell, my wrists were is metal cuffs and so were my anckels. I broke free of those easily and I broke trough my cell door. A guard came in but I knocked him out and stole his keys and locked him in a cell.
I ran through the hallways but I ended up entering Orichimaru's room, he was hooked up to this machine and it was pumping something into him, Kabuto and Sasuke were there. I ran off but Sasuke followed. We had a bit of a scuffle but I knocked him out and I found my things and on the wall was Ichigo.." I took a breath and looked away from the window. I looked down at the hospital tiles that covered the floor, absently counting the dots.

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