Trying to get along

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It was an amazing two days, with in those days I trained, working on my medical skills alongside Tsundae and relaxing in the hot springs. My shoulder muscles have never felt so relaxed.

I also visited Izo, he would be stuck in the hospital for about a month just to make sure everything is workin right, especially since I electrocuted him back to life. It was fine with me, one month without his snarky remarks was a blessing after being stuck for four years with the jackass.

I was milling around the training fields when I sensed Sakura's chakra coming through the gates. I decided to go an greet her, she was most likely peeved from being with two annoying people and one horrible peace maker.

I sighed as k jogged to where she was, when I got there I had my newly acquired ANBU mask on my hip as I stopped beside her to see what she was waiting for.

Down the road was Naruto and Sai, Sai had his fake smile on as he bluntly insulted Naruto. In which Maruto would retaliate with a yell and a shaking fist as Yamato stood in the back looking like he regretted agreeing to being co-captain of this team.

"So let me guess, it was horrible." She let out a sigh.

"You have no idea." I chuckled as Naruto and the rest came through the gates.

"Oni-chan!! Make him shut up!!" That struck a cord with me, he called me Oni-chan....

I took a deep breath before running in the opposite direction. Trying to not loose my cool in front of the others.

How dare he call me that after all this time?? He was the one who didn't want to be family!!! I shouted in my head as I ran to training ground 44, yes, I went back to the forest of Death.

I sighed as I was near the north end, I entered through the south, and I began to think and calm down as I hung upside down from one of the tallest branches from the tallest tree. My legs were crossed by the ankles as my legs hugged the branch, to lazy to hold myself up with Chakra.

Why am I still hung up on this? I just begin to return to normal with out talking to the idiot, and he calls me that one name that makes me want to kill him. But i can't kill him, because I have to protect him. DAMN THESE BIG SISTER FEELINGS!! WHY SHOUL I HAVE TO PROTECT HIM WHEN HE SAID THAT HE DIDNT WANT TO BE FAMILY?? Momma.... What do I do?

She didn't reply and I knew that she wanted me to figure it out for myself. I sighed as my red hair hung off of my head, coming loose from its pony tail as my coat hung away from my back, showing my scars that I have hidden since coming to this village. Being 18 sucks (Naruto is 16 in Shippuden right? Or is it 15 & 1/2??? Well anyways Kia is 2 years older than him!!)

I sighed as I felt chakra signatures looking for me, I knew they were looking for me as it was Sakura's, Yamato's, Sai's and Naruto's.

I looked up to the sky, wishing that I never became a ninja, and that I ran away from Gai an Kakashi that day and lived life like I normally did but now I had to many ties here and to many bond to leave as I knew that they would look for me as well.

Yamato appeared above me and I could practically feel his sweat drop at seeing my legs hugging the tree branch, stopping me from fallin to my death.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked in a monotone voice. I did not want to see Naruto again anytime soon but I knew that knuckle head would try to talk to me, I had to be prepared to ignore him.

"We need to go to the Hokage's office to receive information on Sasori's spy. As Co-Captain you are required to be there." I sighed, hating his reasoning skills at the moment

"Yea yea Tenzo, I'm coming I'm coming." I sighed as I let me legs go of the branch and flipped myself over so my feet landed on the branch below me.

"How do you know that name?"
"I know many things, Yamato. Many things." I said before jumping to the next branch, towards the office to only not pay any attention at all to what the order was.

In fact, the only thing I really remember is when we were on the road, was when Naruto tried to talk to me, and the look of hurt when I told him this one sentence when he called me Onē-San again.

"Please refrain from calling me such a familiar name, Uzumaki-San. For we have not been family for four years. And I will never forgive you for what you did to Izo, I saw those burn marks from your tailed beast. Never, will I ever forgive you, now, Please excuse me, I have strategies to go over." And I have not regretted it.

I was hiding behind a bushel of leaves on one of the tree branches as Yamato disguised himself as Sasori to meet with this 'spy' I have a bad feeling about this.

Suddenly Tenzo jumped back as the spy revealed himself as Kabuto, I knew he was a no gooder.

I sighed from my spot on the branch, my job was fairly simple, I was the back up in case things got out of control.

Like now, since Naruto has gone all nine tails, well not exactly nine tails, but close enough to it as his skin began to peel and he has hurt Sakura.

I jumped down from my tree branch.

"Sakura!! Go help Captain Yamato!! I'll take care of this!!" I shouted at her as I ran forward making hand signs to create the seal that would force the chakra back in.

"Uzumaki-San, this might hurt, a lot." I said as I sprinted towards him having to duck and dodge his tails. I jumped over one only to be pushed back by the other one.

I could feel the burn on the side of my face and left arm as I stood up again, this time I was going slower while a clone distracted all the wounds that he inflicted on her transferred to my body, making the clone last longer as it frustrated him.

I got to stand infront of his face and looked into his black eyes, I could see the pain and grief in them. He didn't want this but he wasn't in control.

"Sorry Uzumaki-San." I said, not sorry at all. I jumped up a little bit and placed the seal that was on my hand into his forehead burning it in the process.

Sakura and Yamato came back but there was no Sai in sight. I jumped back to where they were, the burn and bruises starting to hurt. Naruto let out a scream in pain as he lost consciousness and the red chakra was forced back to Kurama's cage.

Sakura ran towards him as only steam surrounded him, his skin totally burnt off. I sat on the ground away from them as Sakura healed him and I healed myself. I noticed that er burn was bandaged, most likely needing more medical attention later on.

I heard him groan as I turned my back to him, not wanting him to see my burns as I tried to heal myself, I got the most of it but I would need some burn cream and Sai had the medical kit. Yamato stood silently beside me as he watched me treat my wounds.

"What happened?" I don't need to be specific as to what I meant as he seemed to understand that the plan went horribly wrong.

"Sai went with Orichimaru." Was all he needed to say. I swore under my breath, I let him out of my sights to take care of the idiot brother of mine and he goes with the enemy. What kind of ANBU captain am I?

I sighed as I finished bandaging and thought about reasons. I knew a little bit to much about Danzo so I figured that Sai was sent to kill Sasuke and to take his Sharigian eye. Danzo did have an obsession with it.

I weakly stood up and let out a quiet groan as my muscles disagreed with the movement as my bones popped.

"Well, let's go and get him back then." I turned to see Sakura with an awake Naruto, I didn't face him, not wanting to show my burns.

"Uzumaki-San, you will be with Captain Yamato. Sakura and I will go on our own. If that's alright with you? Orichimaru's hideouts are like a maze, so it would be best to split up to find him faster. Any questions?"

"How do you know what they look like?" Was Sakura's question, I turned my head a little to let her see my eye, it's blue color was dark with a deep hatred.

"Did you really think I sat around for four years and twiddled my thumbs? I infiltrated his bases and gathered information. Now, enough questions, we need to leave." I didn't give them time to speak as I jumped away from them, heading towards where I sensed Sai's chakra.

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