Fight for control

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"Izo-papa?" I asked the still body, only to get no response. I've seen burns like this before, like when a fairly beast coats its host in its chakra. My eyes widened in realization as I put together the puzzle pieces.

Naruto did this, Naruto killed him.

I could hear feet approaching me as I gasped for breath an was fighting for control. When Ragnda and I mix when we are grieving..... It dose not end well as I am barely in control most of the time, only Gaara has seen that part of me and he grew afraid of me for it.

I turned my head as I fought the surge of power that wanted to break through. Grey hair entered my vision as well as red, Naruto was slowly coming behind.

It was silent except for my sobs, this was his and my fault. No, it was all my fault, but I needed someone to blame.

I could feel myself slipping as Kakashi opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"Everyone needs to leave." My voice was little and shaky, no I couldn't speak like this, Izo would of wanted me to be strong. Kakashi looked at me in surprise and Gaara watched me warily.

I looked into Gaara's eyes pleadingly, he seemed to understand as he shakily got up and placed a hand on Kakashi's shoulder.

"Kaka-sensei, it's for your safety and the safety of others that you need to go, I am losing control." I whispered the last part as I could feel it starting to break loose, my nails grew longer as my  teeth became sharper. I whimper in pain as I could feel the skin on my face moving around, shifting to a different spot and changing my features, I struggled for control as Kakashi started to make everyone leave, saying that I needed time to grieve by myself. Everyone started to clear out to Suna as they carried Lady Chiyo's body. I felt some chakra stay, turning my head slightly, so I could see them through my hair that was growing longer.

Kakashi stayed, as did Sakura and Naruto, and to my surprise Garra was there as well with his siblings.

"You need to leave." My clawed fingers made marks in the ground as I clenched my fist. My hair was down to my waist now and was pooling on the ground as it started to turn white with a hint of red.

Gaara stepped forward, and in a calming voice he tried to calm me down.

"It's ok, Kiada, I am not leaving you again. You can gain control, you just need to calm yourself. I know it hurts and it's ok to hurt, it's ok to mourn." He was trying to help me, last time he ran away when it got to much for him, and although it hurt me inside I didn't blame him.

"Gaara, you need to get them to leave, I am slipping!" My voice came out as a painful growl as my feature started to change again, my eyes became more slender as my nose became smaller, like a button one. I felt this mornings food coming up as I turned away from Izo's body to watch it come back up, burning my throat.

I get like I was holding onto a ledge, my fingers were the only thing that kept me from losing myself to the warm darkness of this power, it wanted out, it wanted control, it wanted revenge.

I cried out as the white chakra started to surround me, picking up the winds and the earth began to shake.

"What's going on Gaara? What's wrong with my sister?!" Just hearing his voice sent a pain through my chest. How dare he speak about us so casually!! After throwing us aside and not wanting to be family to suddenly we are his siblings again!! He did this! He killed our Izo-papa!! He will pay with his life!

No! Stop it! Don't hurt them, there are innocents around! I shouted to the darkness, it did have a point against Naruto though. The darknesses voice ran through my ears hurting them. I couldn't tell if it was a he or a she, but the voice would not stop until I gave in.

They didn't look for us, they didn't care about us! They only want us for our power, they only want us around because we are the fourths daughter. No one wants us, they killed the only person who did want us around, soon enough Gaara will leave us to, he is using us for power and fame and to bring a stronger alliance between the two villages! He dosent love us, no one dose!

My grip on the ledge loosened as I recognized these thoughts, they are my thoughts of doubt and hate, this darkness was me, I am that darkness, well a part of me is. These were the thoughts over the years that I have thought and felt. But could I control them?

The chakra started to get more powerful as the wind picked up more, they had to place chakra on the soles of their feet to stay standing and to not be blown off by the wind.

"She gets like this when someone special to her dies, she looses control and her and her demon merge as one as something takes over! I have only seen this once before, we need to calm her down before she gives in."

"How did you get her to stop last time?" Sakura shouted over the roaring wind as she ducked under a tree.

" I didn't, Izo did, when it got to much for me I ran back to the village. I left her there on her own while she was in pain." He watched as i convulsed again.

My body swung to face them on its own accord as my black eyes trained on Naruto, I could only mutter one word before I lost control and dropped into the darkness.



Sorry it's so short! I thought that it would be a good place to stop and leave a cliff hanger :) what do you think will happen next?

Thank you all for reading! This means to much to me, and I love reading your comments so please comment!!

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