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Jung Nabi's povI walked back home disappointed that I couldn't find find the guy who took my phone

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Jung Nabi's pov
I walked back home disappointed that I couldn't find find the guy who took my phone. I slowly opened the door of my house hoping to god that my parents weren't home.

"There you are!" I flinched hearing my mother's voice.

"Oh you're home...." I said looking at the ground.

"Yes young lady, what else did you thought?" She asked with an angry voice.

"Why weren't you picking up our calls?" My father came from the kitchen looking at me with a cold expression.

"I....." I trailed off. I don't think they would be too happy about the fact that I just lost my phone.

"You what Nabi?! Don't test my patience!" She said walking towards me making me move back a little.

"Mom I think that's enough. She's only ten minutes late." I looked at my brother who just came out of his room with his phone in his hand.

"Ten minutes?! She just wasted her time outside!" She said glaring at me as I just looked down avoiding her eyes.

"Now tell me why weren't you picking up our calls?!" She asked. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath preparing to get hit after what I was about to say.

"I actually lost my phone." I said.

"You what?!" She asked looking at me in disbelief.

"I'm sorry mother......some guy took my phone by mistake and now I have his phone." I said making her look at her husband.

"Are you hearing her?" She asked as he looked at me with the same cold expression.

"I don't care that you lost your phone....but now go to your room and study till 2 am for the time you've wasted looking for your phone." He said turning around and leaving.

My mother turned around and looked at me in disgust. She took my hand and forcefully pushed me towards my room.

"Didn't you heard him? Now don't embarrass me more than you already did by being born." She said and I quickly entered my room.

I sat on my study table sighing.

They have always been like this. They never wanted a girl. They loved Sungchan a lot....well I do too but what about me? It's not like I asked them to give me life.

I wouldn't have to live like this if Sungchan and grandmother didn't stop them from killing me that day.

I really hope they didn't.

I opened my book and started to highlight the main point of the chapter. I grabbed a notebook from the stand and started to make new notes.

After 3 hours

*Knock knock*

"It's open Sungchan." I said knowing that it was he because my parents never knocked before coming in my room.

"" He said handing me a cup of home-made coffee.

"Thank you!" I said smiling. He sat down on my bed.

"Why do you always stay awake with me whenever I get these punishments." I asked looking at him while talking my glasses off and closing my eyes.

"It's because you always get punishment for anything you do while I get away with everything. I just want to keep you company you know." He said. I shook my head at his stubborn words.

"You should be thankful that you don't have to go through these punishments." I said and wore my glasses again and started working on my notes.

"You know what Nabi.....I will make sure to free you from this household after I find myself a good apartment." He said staring at me meaningfully.

"I know you will Sungchan......" I said staring at my notebook with teary eyes.

When will this torture end?


We both looked at the door to see my mother looking inside. She gritted her teeth seeing me and Sungchan together.

" child....what are you doing in her room." She said glaring at me.

"Go to your room." She said.

"I will mom." He said and didn't move from the bed.

"It's late Sungchan." She said.

"Ok I'll go sleep." He said sighing because he knew that if he said no then she would have called my father and he would have been sure to beat me up for making Sungchan stay awake with me.

He got down, patted my back and left my room.

"And you! Study." She said glaring. She closes the door making me roll my eyes.

Damn I hate them.


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Author : it's only the first chapter and I already don't like her parents 🙄

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