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Kim Dohoon's pov I turned around on my bed and looked at the alarm clock that was on my bed stand

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Kim Dohoon's pov
I turned around on my bed and looked at the alarm clock that was on my bed stand.

6:30 am

Hmmm I don't feel like going to university. I thought closing my eyes again.


"God who is this early in the morning?" I groaned and sat up and went down to see my mother with Yerim, Youngjae and Shinyu hyung.

"Why are you all here?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Wow so rude." Youngjae said pouting while a hurt expression painted his face.

" this the way to talk to take to your friends?" My mother said looking at me with a serious expression.

"I'm sorry mom." I said looking down sighing.

"You should say sorry to them. Not me." She said and walked towards the kitchen.

I looked at them to see them smile at me reassuring me.

"I'm sorry....I shouldn't have said that...." I said looking down unable to face them after not talking to them for almost a month.

"It's fine....we're here to pick you up for university...go get ready." Shinyu hyung said making me shake my head.

"I'm not going." I answered.

"Dohoon.....Mrs. Cho had been nagging me about you... she's constantly telling me to bring you back or she'll have no other choice but to fail you." Youngjae said.

I stay quiet not knowing what to saying....on one hand I don't want to go to university and face Nabi and on the other hand I also don't want to fail and waste my parents money.

"Look Dohoon.....I know you're trying to avoid Nabi after the incident but this is effecting you very badly....she's living her life and studying hard but you are spoiling your own future." Yerim said making me look at them again.

I nodded my head realising my mistake.

"I'll go get ready." I said and left to get ready.

After getting ready I walked down and saw them waiting for me. They quickly smiled and motioned me to go to the kitchen. I walked inside and saw my breakfast ready.

"Thank you mom."

" need to thank me." She said patting my head lovingly.

"Now start don't wanna be late and make your friends late too." She said and leaves the kitchen to get ready for her own work.

I quickly eat my breakfast and kept the dirty dishes in the sink.

"Let's go." I said.

Yerim smiled and held Shinyu hyung's hand as Youngjae quickly threw his hand around my shoulder causing me to laugh.

"I was kind of missing you all." I admitted embarrassed.

"Aww is Dohoonie blushing~" Youngjae said poking my sides as Yerim slapped his hand.

"Stop teasing him!" She said as Junghwan hyung nodded in agreement.

Well....I definitely missed them.


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Author : damn after being dead for a while..... I'm back with an update :)))

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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