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Jung Nabi's povI opened the door of the rooftop and walked towards the guy sitting on one of the old desks kept there

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Jung Nabi's pov
I opened the door of the rooftop and walked towards the guy sitting on one of the old desks kept there.

He looked at me and smiled at me sweetly. I gave him one of the can of the coffee I bought. He thanked me opening it and drinking from it.

"So....what do you wanna talk about?" I asked looking at the beautiful clouds about us.

"I just called you here because I was feeling alone." He said and then looked down.

"Oh ok." I said.

"Hey.....can I tell you something?" He asked and looked at me with his beautiful eyes.

"Yeah of course." I answered.

"I think I like my friend." He said making me instantly look at him while he just looked down.

I don't know why.....but that hurted.

"Oh really? Maybe you should confess your love? What if they actually says yes?" I stated.

"I don't know Nabi.....what if everyone starts hating me?" He asked.

"I'm sure no one will judge you." I said holding his left hand. He looked at me and smiled sadly.

"They will. The person I like is now in a relationship." He started.


"What?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah that's why I feel bad about liking that person." He said sad.

Ok now that's messed up.

"I don't know how to help you with that since I've never been in a relationship.....but don't worry I'm pretty sure you'll move on." I said as he kept looking at me.

"Will you help you move on then, Nabi?" He asked making me look at him confused.

"What do you mean Dohoon?" I asked clueless.

"I mean....make me fall for you Nabi....make me forget about my heartbreak." He said moving closer to me.

"Do you even hear yourself right now Kim Dohoon?" I asked shocked.

"Yes I do Jung will you help me?" He asked.

"I........" I trailed off feeling flabbergasted.

"Please Nabi help me." He said looking at me with hopefully eyes.

"Please......" He said again.

"I'm sorry for asking you for something so big but since you've never been in a relationship how about we give each a chance..... What if we actually fall in love?" He said again.

"I'll think about it Dohoon." I said getting up. I walked away only to be stopped by Dohoon. He quickly held my hand.

"Please think about it." He said.

It couldn't be that bad right?

"Ok let's do this Kim Dohoon." I said making him smile.

"Thank you Nabi!" He said and suddenly hugged me and kept his hand on my waist. I patted his back while his lips accidentally touched my neck making me flinch.

"Dohoon....." I said patting his head.

His hair is so soft.

"I'm sorry...." He said pulling away.

"Let's go down?" I asked making him nod.

I sat at my seat beside Haneul thinking about Dohoon.

Please Dohoon.....don't make me regret my decision.

"Hey are you alright?" Haneul said touching my shoulder.

"Huh? Yeah." I said looking at the ground.

"You look so lost....are you sure you're ok?" She asked again making me sigh.

"It's just-"

"Alright everyone stop talking and eyes on the board!" Mrs. Kang yelled making me look at Haneul.

"I'll tell you later." I said concentrating on my book.

I walked out of the department building alone because Haneul had an extra class to attend. I kicked the stones that were in my path while walking.

I opened the door of the apartment to see that all the lights were closed.

I guess Sungchan isn't home.

I went to my room and kept my bag on the empty study desk and started unpacking the things in my suitcase. I kept my clothes in the closet and kept my book in the glass cupboard that was in one of the corner of my room.

I sat down on my bed after I made sure that I finished everything. I took out my phone and saw that Dohoon had messaged me.



Hey are you free?

Yeah I am


Let's hang out

I don't have anything else to do

Well I don't wanna get
ready to go out

How bout u come to my

Ok send me your adress

*Live location*

I'll be there in 15 mins



Well he has other friends too why me?


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Author : well well well.....dohoon you better treat Nabi right

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