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Jung Nabi's pov I sat inside the café while Haneul kept looking at me

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Jung Nabi's pov
I sat inside the café while Haneul kept looking at me. I looked at the time on his phone.

6:15 pm

It displayed.

Is he even gonna come?

Suddenly someone opened the door of the café. I looked at the the person to see Dohoon panting heavily. He looked up and made eye contact with me as red colour spread accross his cheeks.

He quickly stopped himself and walked towards the table I was sitting at.

"Hi!" He said nervously smiling at me. I smiled at him.

"Hey! Please sit down." I said pointing at the empty seat infront of he. He nodded his head and quickly sat down.

"Ummmm........." He said biting his lower lips.

"Here!" I said putting his iPhone in front of him. He looked at me and smiled. He quickly pulled out my phone from his pocket.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

We both said.

"I'm Dohoon.....Kim Dohoon." He said putting his hand out infront of me to shake.

"Jung Nabi." I stated shaking his hand.

"Wait I'll order something for us." He said standing up.

"What would you like?" He asked.

"Oh I would just have a latte." I said and he nodded.

He came back with our orders. He held my latte infront of me.

"Thank you Dohoon." I said grabbing the cup making our hands touch. I quickly took my latte blushing while looking down.

"So.....what department are you in?" He asked looking at me with his eyes shining beautifully.

"Oh- I'm doing Accounting." I said nodding my head.

"Oh that's nice." He said showing me a big smile.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I am doing Instrumental Performance." He said.

"What do you wanna be?" I asked him again.

"I wanna be a renowned Violinist." He said smiling.


"What do you wanna do?" He asked.

"Oh I wanna be a Chartered Accountant." I said. (Author : same gurl-)

I smiled at Haneul who brought us some cookies that were specially made by them. They're delicious.

"Thank you Han." I said as she nodded smiling.

"Oh?" Dohoon asked looking at us confused.

"Oh don't worry! She's my friend!" I said assuring him.

"Ahh! Ok!" He said.

"You should try these cookies. They're amazing!" I said sliding the plate towards him. He picked one up and took a bite.

"Wow?" He said with his eyes sparkling with happiness.

"This is so good! Wow Nabi thanks for the suggestion!" He said munching on the cookie. I smiled at his adorable reaction.

"Here take a bite!" He said holding another cookie infront of me.

Shit.....should I take it from his hand or....?

I quickly took the cookie from him before he could feed me it himself.

"Thank you." I said blushing.

"Yeah I'm so sorry!" He said retreating his hand.

"It's ok." I said slowly eating the cookie.

"How about we exchange numbers? I wanna get to know you better." Dohoon suggested making me look at him in a flash.

"Yeah sure!" I said happily.

I mean it wouldn't hurt to make a new friend.....right?

He passed me this phone as I typed in my number. He took the phone and saved my number.

"I'll message you once I get home." He said.

We sat there talking about our lives and goals.

He's so sweet.


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Author : pls they are so cute 😭


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