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Kim Dohoon's pov It's been a whole month since Nabi was almost killed and she hasn't woken up yet

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Kim Dohoon's pov
It's been a whole month since Nabi was almost killed and she hasn't woken up yet. I walked inside her hospital room and took out the old wilted flowers from the vase and kept the new flowers that I bought, in it.

"I miss you." I said caressing her hair and forced myself to smile.

"Some people are here to meet you." I said and asked them to come inside.

"Nabi....." Yerim said smiling sadly while looking at her sleeping figure.

"How are you Dohoon?" Haneul asked looking at me with pity. Instead of answering her I just smiled at her.

They both went and sat at the sofa need her bed.

"How long has it been?" Yerim asked.

"One month and 6 days." I answered making Haneul look at me.

"You've been counting days?" She asked.


"How did this happen again?" Yerim asked looking at me.

Right. She herself was going to therapy after what happened.

"The doctors said that someone slammed her head on the wall and she probably fainted after that. I think her father tried to drown her to make it seem like suicide." I answered looking at her peacefully sleeping.

I went closer and sat on her bed and held her hand. I felt her hand move a little.

I quickly got up and went out calling the doctor. They quickly walked inside to have a look at her. I felt my heart beating very fast.

Haneul and Yerim stood beside me as we looked at Nabi who slowly opened her eyes.

Third person's pov
"Huh? Why am I here?" Nabi asked looking at three young people and the doctors present there, confused.

"Miss Jung you hitted you head and were found drowing in your bath tub." The doctor said and Dohoon moved forward and smiled at her.

"I......." Nabi said looking at Dohoon with a blank stare.

"Nabi what happened? Are you ok?" He asked holding her making her pull her hand back.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" She asked as he looked at her confused.

"What?" Dohoon said looking at her dumbfounded.

"I don't know I?" She asked as Dohoon felt like something was wrong.

"Nabi....It's not the right time for pranks." Dohoon said looking at her hurt.

"I really don't know you........" She said making Dohoon clinch his fist.

"I suggest you three to please move outside. I think the patient needs to rest." The doctor said patting his back.

"But I need to talk-"

"Dohoon I think the doctor is right. Let's talk to her later." Yerim said patting his back but there was clearly sadness in her eyes.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

That's right. It's ok. We can always start again....right?

I won't hurt her anymore.

Maybe she is better off without me.

That's right I don't deserve her....I only hurted her.


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Author : a short update because I've been really busy these days but I needed to update so...

I was actually planning to kill Nabi and make Dohoon fall in love with a new chapter and turn this story into Dohoon x new OC but I realised that you all would have killed me—

So I changed my plan to making Nabi forget Dohoon :)

Hurt - Kim DohoonWhere stories live. Discover now