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Jung Nabi's povI walked inside the university looking down

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Jung Nabi's pov
I walked inside the university looking down. I'm pretty sure my dark circles were clearly visible. I sighed feeling tired.

Damn it! I shouldn't have stayed up all night talking with Sungchan.

I didn't looked at the front and bumped into someone. The person quickly grabbed my hand to stop me from falling and pulled me towards him.

"Oh I'm sorry! I wasn't looking." I said trying to focus on the face of the guy.

Am I really that sleepy that I can't even see the face of the guy properly?

"Oh Dohoon?" I said shocked after finally seeing the guy's face.

"Oh hey Nabi!" He said smiling. I looked at his hands which were still holding me. He looked at at his hands and quickly pulled his hands away.

"Sorry." He said.

"It's ok." I said blushing a little.

"Nabi!-" Haneul called out running towards me. She turned back around giving me a teasing smile on the way as soon as she saw Dohoon.

"Hey where are you going?!" I yelled.

"I remembered that I forgot something!" She said.

Dohoon and me both looked at each other in confusion.

"Is she always this weird?" He asked. I shook my head in disagreement.

"I don't know what's wrong with her." I answered.

"Anyways let's meet later?" He asked.

"Ofcourse." I answered.

We both quickly bid eachother goodbye and went on our separate ways.

"Hey!" Ni-ki said putting his hands around my shoulders.

"How have you been Riki?" I asked walking with him to my class.

"Not very well." He answered pouting.

"Well...what happened?" I looked at him in concern.

"I had to pair with Moon Seri. You know how clingy she is." He complained.

"Oh yeah? Maybe you could ask your professor to change your partner?" I suggested. He looked at me happily.

"Omg Nabi thank you! I didn't even though about that!" He said looking excited.

"I'll go now! See you later!" He said running away. I chuckled at his actions. He's just like a kid.

"Hey Nabi!" Haneul said waving as I entered inside our classroom.

"Why did you leave me alone with Dohoon?!" I whispered yelled because the professor came stood infront of the whole class.

"Well I didn't wanted to disturb you and your Dohoon." She said giving me a funny smile.

"Mine?! He's not mine!" I said slapping her arm.

"Ouch ok- don't hit me!" She said rubbing the spot.

I walked out and sat alone on a bench outside during lunch time. Haneul had to do an extra class for accounting.

"Hey do you mind if I sit here?" I looked at the source of the voice to discover a guy smiling at me.

"Yeah sure!" I said moving away a bit to give him some space. He sat down with two convenient store's sandwiches.

"Here!" He said offering me one of the sandwich.

"It's ok I'm not really hungry." I stated but he took my hand and kept one on it.

"You should eat. The classes won't end till 4." He said showing me his bunny smile.

"Thank you.......?" I questioned.

"Harua. Shigeta Harua." He said and I nodded my head.

"I'm Jung Nabi!" I said putting my hand forward for him to shake. He smiled and quickly shook my hand.

"I'm doing bachelor's in Instrumental Performance. How about you?" He asked.

"I'm doing Accounting." I answered opening the packaging of the sandwich and taking a bit.

"What instrument do you play Harua?" I asked.

"I play the piano." He answered looking at the front. I nodded my head.

I suddenly received a message on my phone.




Hey can you pls come to the rooftop of your department building

Yeah sure

But did something happen?

I'll tell you everything once you get here


Kim Dohoon's pov
I walked outside feeling sad seeing Yerim and Shinyu hyung. I really don't understand my feelings.

Do I like him or not?

I looked around and saw Nabi sitting with a new guy. They both talked with eachother smiling.

I took out my phone and messaged her.



Hey can you pls come to the rooftop of your department building

Yeah sure

But did something happen?

I'll tell you everything once you get here


What's wrong with me? Why did I suddenly message her?

What's wrong with me? Why did I suddenly message her?

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Author : dohoon.....are you already in love huh???

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