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Jung Nabi's povOh god I really need to find that guy

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Jung Nabi's pov
Oh god I really need to find that guy.  I have a lot of my notes are saved in my phone and I need them to get good grades.

Oh god please help me.

I walked inside my lecture room and saw Haneul taking with the person sitting behind her. I went to seat on the empty seat beside her.

"Hey! Did you find that guy?" She asked turning around fully to have a look at my face.

"You didn't....." She said seeing my sad face. I just sighed in disbelief.

"I really need to find him before I actually get killed by my parents for not getting good grades." I said feeling blue.

"Nabi....I know you'll eventually find him." She said patting my head.

"Jung Nabi." The professor called me making everyone focus on me.

"Yes mam?" I asked standing up.

"You didn't sent me the list of the people who didn't brought their projects yesterday." She said.

"Oh- I actually lost my phone." I said embarrassed.

"Oh then please send me the list once you find it or get a new one." She said motioning me to sit down. I nodded my head and sat down quickly.

"Damn you REALLY need to find that Kim Dohoon." Haneul said whispering.

"Yeah...." I said

God I really hope he goes here.

I started to concentrate on what was written on the board and wrote everything that I needed.

"Hey! Nabi! Haneul! Pssst!" We both quickly looked at the guy who was whispering from the door.

"What the- you scared us!" I said whispering back.

"Ok I'm sorry but do you have an extra notebook? I really need it." Ni-Ki said as Haneul quickly took out an empty notebook and gave it to him. I looked at the front to make sure that the professor doesn't see us.

"Thank you!" He said quickly running away.

"He's crazy." Haneul said wide eyed.

"Yeah I know." I said laughing silently.

Me and Haneul were sitting in the cafeteria eating our lunch. I sat down looking at the guys phone that I had.

"Oye Ni-Ki!" Haneul called out the guy behind me.

"Oh Haneul! Here!" He said giving her the notebook he borrowed from her.

"Can I sit here? Taki isn't here yet." He asked looking at us.

"Sure!" I said moving my phone away from the empty seat.

"Thank you Nabi!" He said showing me his gummy smile.

After the end of classes
I walked out of our department building with Haneul.

"Hey do you want me to check the cctv outside our café to look for the way in which the guy went?" Haneul asked me.

"Wait you can do that?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah!" She answered.

"Hey Nabi?" I heard someone calling out my name. I turned around and made eye contact with a girl even taller than me?

I mean I'm 170 cms so....

I looked at her for a second before realising.'s Yerim!

"Oh Yerim hi!" I said.

"Wow you remember my name." She said surprised.

"Of course! You helped my friend get the job at Café Heaven!" I said fixing my glasses.

"Can I talk to you for a few minutes?" She asked.

"Sure!" I said and turned around and looked at Haneul she gave me a assuring nod and went away.

"I heard you switched your phone with a guy." She said making me look at her shocked.

"Well yeah......but how do you know?" I asked wondering about her social skills.

Wait does she know someone from my class?

"He's actually my friend!" She stated.

"Ohhh ok!" I nodded my head in understanding.

"I hope you don't mind meeting up with him at Café Heaven at 6 pm?" She asked looking at her hopefully.

"Yeah sure because if I don't get my phone back soon my parents would actually kill me." I said laughing a bit while fixing my glasses.

Damn I guess I won't get hit today?

"Thank you so much!! I should leave now. My brother must be waiting for me. Hope to see you around!" She said waving at me as I smiled waving back.

Ok.....she's so nice.


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Author : ok I'm missing Yerim-

Ni-ki is so cute tho 🥺🥺


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