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Kim Dohoon's pov I quickly got out of my car and pressed the button calling for the elevator

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Kim Dohoon's pov
I quickly got out of my car and pressed the button calling for the elevator. It was on the 11th floor right now.

Man........fuck this elevator.

I quickly ran up the stairs and reached their apartment after a minute. I held the handle of the front door and pulled it to realise that it was opened.

I slowly opened the door and saw a woman in her mid 40s sitting on the couch of the apartment with authority. She looked at me and stood up.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She asked looking at me up and down scoffing.

"As far as I remember this isn't your apartment." I said glaring at her making her hiss. I heard someone continuously banging on Sungchan hyung's room's door from the inside.

"Kids are so disrespectful these days. I don't like your attitude kid." She said shaking her head.

"I don't fucking care about what you think about me. Now tell me where's Nabi?" I asked getting impatient.

"Oh so you're that disappointment's boyfriend. Tsk I thought you were Sungchan's student." She said letting out a small laugh.

"Hello?!" I heard Sungchan hyung screaming.

"I know there's someone out there!! Please help they will kill my sister!" He yelled banging on his room's door from the inside.

I clinched my fist and went towards Nabi's room's door and just as I was about the open the door I felt something hit me on the back of my head.


I slowly sat down holding my head as Nabi's mother came and sat infront of me with a metal rod.

"I told you that I don't like you." She said and smiled. I felt something wet on the area of my head where I was pressing at. I looked at my hands to see that it was covered with blood.

I gritted my teeth in anger standing up. It was painful but right now that was the least of my concern. I kicked her mother in her stomach making her fall and hit her head on the floor and soon she passed out.

I slowly opened the door with my own vision blurring.

Fuck this hurts.

I looked around her room to see some things scattered. I turned towards her bathroom after realising that the tap in the bathroom was opened. I tried to unlock the door but it was locked.

I tried to open it by using force but it was of no use. I looked around and saw a thick book of Accountancy.

Forgive me for this Nabi.

I used to book to hit on the knob of the door again and again until it finally fell off. I quickly opened the door to see her father sitting on the floor smiling happily while Nabi's whole body was under water in her bath tub.

I quickly held her shoulders and pulled her up.

"Nabi?! Baby?! Please wake up!!" I said slapping her face gently with tears started flowing from my eyes and falling on her already wet cheeks.

I held two fingers at her wrist trying to find any pulse. Her father laughed seeing me struggling.

"You're injured. You should treat your wounds instead of worrying about a dead person." He said making me put Nabi down on the floor and turn around to look at him.

"You!!!" I said and grabbed his collar.

"You should worry more about your and your girlfriend's safety than taking your anger out on me." He said making me scoff and push him.

I quickly picked her body up and went out to see Sungchan hyung who just forced himself out of his room and looked at Nabi who was in my hands.

"Nabi?" He softly called out tapping her cheeks and crying.

"Dohoon.....why isn't she walking up?" He asked looking at me scared.

"Hyung we need to take her to the hospital." I said and quickly putted her on the backseat of my car and started the engine of my car after Sungchan hyung sat in the shotgun seat.

I quickly drove us to the hospital and speeded pass several red lights but that wasn't important right now.

"Help please!" I yelled calling for a stretcher carrying Nabi in my hands. A few ward boys ran to get the stretcher and I putted her on it and they carried her to an emergency room.

I sat on the empty bench in the hallway and cried.

This is all because of me isn't it? I was late. She's in this state because of me.

I closed my eyes slapped myself making the people in the hallway look at me in shock. I raised my hand again and slapped myself again.

"Dohoon stop." Sungchan hyung said holding my hand.

"No hyung. It's my fault. I deserve to get punished." I said trying to yank my hand away from me.

"Dohoon stop! You're not thinking properly! You are injured too! You need treatment." He said and forced me to stand up and pulled me with him.

"Excuse me? He needs to be treated. He is bleeding." He said to one of the nurses standing there.

"Oh yes please follow me." She and I went after her. She motioned me to sit infront of her as she she started to first clean my wound and then told me that I need to be admitted because my wound needs to be sewn but honestly does that really matter right now?

I just want to meet Nabi.


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Author : I'm sorry for what happened to Nabi 😢

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