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Jung Nabi's pov I layed down on the couch of my brother's apartment waiting for Dohoon to arrive

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Jung Nabi's pov
I layed down on the couch of my brother's apartment waiting for Dohoon to arrive. I opened my phone looking at the pics of my notes and trying to remember everything.


I went to the door and opened it to see Dohoon standing there. He smiled at me making me smile too and moving away and asking him to come inside.

He walked inside looking at the apartment.

"You live here alone?" He asked.

"No. I live with my older brother." I said and motioned him to sit down. He sat down on the couch and looked at me.

"You have a brother?" He asked making me nod my head.

"Your parents....?" He asked looking confused.

"I'd rather not talk about them." I said bringing him a grass of water to drink.

"As you say love." He said smiling. I looked at him with my eyes wide open.

"Love?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. Didn't we agree to give each other a chance?" He said looking at me confused.

"Oh- yeah right." I said turning around and blushing a little.

Oh my god what is wrong with me?!

I walked inside my room as he followed me.

"Wow you have a lot of book." He said astonished looking around my room.

"I love reading and learning new things." I stated sitting at my bed. He walked up to me looking down at me.

"Should I teach you something too?" He asked looking at me with a mischievous smile.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"Something you've never experienced?" He asked cupping my face in his hands.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked looking away.

"Nothing." He said moving back and again started looking around my room. I let out a sigh of relief when he went away.

God why did my heart beat so fast when he was close to me?

"You're a Harry Potter fan too?" He asked looking at my books collection. I have Harry Potter book series in both Korean and English so no wonder he asked me that question.

"Yeah I love Harry Potter." I said standing behind him. He turned around and looked at me and moved closer to me. I stepped back but he didn't stop.

I suddenly sat at the bed when I could not longer move back. I bent down to my level and looked at me in the eye.

"You're so cute when you're blushing." He said smiling at me widely.

What I blushing?!

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