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Jung Nabi's povWe quickly broke the hug after hearing the front door opening

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Jung Nabi's pov
We quickly broke the hug after hearing the front door opening.

Must be Sungchan.

I walked outside to see him looking at Dohoon's shoes.

"Someone's here?" He asked talking his shoes off.

"Yeah my friend. He was here to help me unpack my things." I answered looking at him with a normal face.

I guess living in that hell taught me how to lie.

"He?" He asked.

" you have any problem...?" I asked feeling a bit scared.

"Not really. He just shouldn't touch you." He said.

Well.....what happened was more that touching.

Dohoon walked out of my room with a Harry Potter book in his hand.

Didn't know that he could lie too.

His eyes sparkled looking at Sungchan. Does he recognise him?

"Aren't you Jung Sungchan?" He asked happily.

"Yes?" Sungchan answered confused.

"Well I really like the songs you produce!" Dohoon said smiling.

"Oh- you listen to my songs?" Sungchan asked and I could tell that Dohoon just won his heart.

Wow stealing my brother.....I see......

"I like him now." Sungchan said whispering to me.

Both of them kept talking while I went inside my room and sat on my study desk and opened my Accounts book and starting solving the problems.

After solving a few questions I suddenly remembered about our kiss again.

What if he just leaves me after he gets what he wants?

"Hey Nabi?" Dohoon said opening the door of my room and stuck his head inside.

"I'll be leaving now." He said and I nodded and got up and opened the door.

"I hope we both can get close." He said making me blush a little and nod.

"And let's not talk about the kiss since I'm pretty sure you're uncomfortable now." He said.

"Yeah..." I said looking down.

I closed the door of the apartment after he waved me a goodbye.

"You know what? He's actually nice!" Sungchan said coming out from his room while drying his hair.

"I know brother." I said smiling and went to the kitchen.

What's wrong with me? One second I think he is using me and the other I feel happy thinking about him....

"What do you want to eat?" I asked.

"You should rest. I'll take care of today's dinner." He said and forced me out of the kitchen. I didn't protest and just went to my room and sat on my desk looking at the photo of me, Sungchan and our grandmother.

I checked my result of the exam I gave for CA.

Passed with 82%

I smiled and went to my brother and kept the phone in front of him.

"OH MY GOD NABI CONGRATULATIONS!!!" He yelled and hugged me making me pat his back smiling.

"So when are you going to start the coaching?" He asked.

"After a week!" I said happily.

"You'll be a lot more busy then." Sungchan said sadly.

"Don't worry I won't forget you!" I said and tickled him.

The next day
I sat beside Haneul and Harua sat infront of us in the cafeteria.

"Hi I'm Shigeta Harua!!" He said smiling at Haneul whole-heartedly.

"I'm Won Haneul." She said giving him her famous eye smile.

"You both are doing Accounting?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah!" Haneul answered energetically.

She is very happy today.

I shook my head laughing a little. I looked at the table infront of us too see Yerim, Dohoon and their friends sitting together.

Dohoon looked at me and waved making me wave back at him. Yerim turned around and looked at me. I pointed at her and waved making her smile and waved back.

"You know them?" Harua asked.

"Yeah I knew Yerim...the girl with coloured hair. She introduced me to Dohoon...the guy who just waved at me." I answered.

"They seen nice! I want to be close with them." He said smiling.

"They are nice." I said smiling to myself.

"Is anyone dating here?" He asked.

"I am not." Haneul answered focusing on her food.

"What about you Nabi?" Harua asked looking at me curiously.

"Well....." I thought about what I should say about my relation with Dohoon.

Are we in a relationship? No.

Haneul looked at me confused.

"You're in a relationship?" She asked making me shake me head.

"No...." I said nervously.

"You're lying!" She said pouting.

"Are you really not gonna tell your own bestie?" She asked.

"Ok fine......Dohoon asked me to make him fall for me-"

"WHAT?!" She yelled making me quickly put a hand on her mouth.

"Stop yelling!" Harua said looking around terrified trying to make sure no one heard us.

"Oh my god." I said sighing.

"You're in a relationship?!" She asked.

"'s just like an agreement..." I tried to make her understand. She nodded her head.

"He better not break your heart or else you know how your brother can be." She said making me think about how he yelled at our parents.

I guess Dohoon will be in big trouble of he broke my heart.

I guess Dohoon will be in big trouble of he broke my heart

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Author : lmao now Dohoon could be in trouble-

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