🔞 Swiss x Sodo - Overworked

443 7 0

Dom: Swiss
Sub: Sodo

Not really a top and bottom, because it's just a blow job :')


Third Person Pov:

It has been a long day for Sodo. He had been working the whole day, not only taking care of his own tasks but also of Aurora's since she was ill. It was not very much like him to be that nice, but somehow he felt like it today. But now he was fucking tired. He has done so much, he just wanted to get some rest. He walked into the kitchen of the basement in the ministry, the place where the ghouls were living. It was much more comfortable down there than you would think.

He was a bit angry and annoyed since a while now, snapping and growling at everyone who walked past him. It was his tiredness that spoke, but he couldn't help it. Everything and everyone seemed to annoy him. Aurora really owed him for this. He decided to get a drink and just disappear into his room for the rest of the night, the place where he wouldn't have to deal with anyone. No one dared to enter his room. He somehow managed to be so angry at everyone who walked in, that nearly no one does it anymore. If they knocked, and he would allow them in, everything was fine, but they wouldn't just enter. And today he simply wouldn't allow anyone in.

He walked to the fridge and opened it, rummaging through the different shelves. He slammed the door shut with a loud growl as he realized someone had gotten the last drink, meaning he wouldn't get one. "Oh hey Dew, is everything-" "Shut up!" Sodo interrupted the quintessence ghoul in a loud tone. Phantom quickly stepped away as Sodo walked past him, to get into his room. The young ghoul just looked at him with a questioning look, confused why he was in such a bad mood.  

Phantom stayed in the kitchen and watched as Dewdrop disappeared into the hallways, and he jumped a bit as suddenly Swiss appeared right beside him. "What's up little one?" he asked, making Phantom snap his head over to him. "Oh my Satan Swiss, you scared the hell out of me!" he snapped with an annoyed expression. "Sorry sorry! Just wanted to get something from the kitchen" he replied with a smirk and went to the fridge. "Do you know what's up with Sodo today?" Phantom then asked, leaning against the kitchenette and watching Swiss. "No, what do you mean? What's wrong with him?" he asked, his ears perking up a little, but Phantom just shrugged. "I don't know, he seems to be in a bad mood. He was angry" he explained.

"Mhm, I have no idea. But I will go and check on him" Swiss replied, and Phantom nodded. "Alright have fun. And good luck not dying!" Phantom snickered with a smirk as he left to go and sit down on the sofa in the adjacent living room. Swiss also chuckled and went to go to Sodo's bedroom, where he imagined him to be.  He gently knocked on the door, as he didn't want Dewdrop to get even more angry or upset, whatever it was. But he didn't get an answer, so he knocked again, another time without an answer. He furrowed his eyebrows, but decided to just open the door to check if he was even in his room, or somewhere else.

He pushed the door handle down and walked in, looking around the room which was rather dark, but nonetheless he could see Sodo laying in his bed. "Leave" he heard Dewdrop say, but Swiss just closed the door and stayed where he was. "Oh my Satan you fucker, did you not hear me? Leave me alone" Sodo repeated, but Swiss walked over to his bed. "What's wrong Sodo? Why are you so angry hm?" Swiss asked. 

"That's none of your fucking business" the smaller one snapped back. "Come on, maybe I can help. Maybe I can make you feel a bit better" Swiss explained, hearing a sigh from the fire ghoul in response. "No you can't. I just had a ton of work to do today. I'm tired, that's all" Dew explained, his orange colored eyes locking with the light purplish ones from Swiss. "Oh really? Then I know how I can help you. I will make you feel so good Dew~" Swiss murmured, and Sodo let out a gasp as the other one's hand landed right onto his crotch.

Swiss started to palm him through his pants, and Dewdrop let out a breathy moan. "W- what are you doing Swiss?" Sodo asked, shutting his eyes close. "I will make you feel so much better, trust me, Dew" the multi ghoul whispered into his ear, sucking a little on his earlobe afterwards. Swiss removed his hand from Sodo's crotch, and instead moved his hand so he could open the belt of the smaller one's pants. "May I?" "Oh fuck, yes please" Sodo breathed out, now desperate to feel what was about to come. The older one pulled down his pants and boxers in one swift motion, before he started to slowly stroke the smaller one's dick. Sodo was short, but his cock sure as hell wasn't as small as you would expect. "You're bigger than I thought" Swiss mumbled, making Sodo giggle a little. "What? You want to stop now?" he asked, whereupon Swiss also chuckled. "No, not really" he replied.

He leaned down and swirled his tongue around his tip, before he slowly started to take his whole length into his mouth, making Sodo moan out his name. "OH FUCK SWISS~" he exclaimed, and his hand immediately snapped down to land on the taller's head. Swiss let out a moan as well, sending vibrations through Sodo's dick. Then Swiss slowly started to bop his head up and down, but Dew's hand pushed him down even further, what caused his dick to hit the back of Swiss' throat. "Oh my Satan, you're so good Swiss~" Sodo panted, the praise making Swiss moan around his cock again. Swiss continued to give him a head, bobbing his head up and down at a fast pace. Sodo couldn't help himself and continued to let lewd noises slip through. 

As Dewdrop got close to his orgasm he couldn't hold back and started to thrust his hips upwards to meet Swiss' face, particularly face fucking him at this point, but Swiss didn't seem to care. He continued to give him one of the best blow jobs Sodo had ever gotten. "F- Fuck, I'm gonna c-cum!" Sodo yelled, and just a few seconds later he came right into the taller's mouth, who swallowed it all. The multi ghoul removed his mouth from Dew's dick with a 'bop' sound, and looked up to meet his eyes. "Feel any better now?" he smirked, and Sodo nodded. "You sure as hell know what you're doing with that pretty mouth of yours" Dew replied, also a smirk on his lips. "Glad I could help" Swiss chuckled and lay down beside Sodo, who immediately snuggled up to him. 

"Thank you Swiss, you actually really helped me" Dew mumbled, his head burrowed in the older one's chest. "No worries, whenever you need help again, tell me. I have no problem helping you" he answered, and Sodo blushed a little. 


(1215 words)

It was my first time writing a blow job scene and also the first NSFW for this oneshot book, hope you enjoyed reading it :)!  Let me know about any mistakes I make, I don't mind being corrected as long as it isn't rude ^^

- Luma

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