Headcanons pt.2

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Next part: kinks I think they would have (getting straight to be point fr lmao)

- Degrading maybe (He would degrade though just to make that clear hahaha)
- Praise kink
- mirror "kink"
- I can see him with a lot of kinks lmao

- Blood
- Idk man, I can imagine it 😭

- choking kink
- mirror "kink"
- just imagine your part >:)

- Dirty Talk
- he's not the type for something crazy

- Pain kink
- I can somehow imagine him liking it hehe

- Bonding 💀
- Just SLIGHT though y'know?

- No kinks, too innocent 😭🙏🏼

- I can imagine her having a praise kink as well
- But obviously as in likes to praise

- Also no kinks


Another part of my headcanons because I have an a/n and thought I'd give you at least a little bit with it :)

Well, anyways; I will be on holiday for three weeks now and I'm not sure if I will have time to write or internet to upload :/ so I might be back in three weeks, or there will just be a lot less updates than normally.

That's it tho haha, thanks for keeping up with this book! :D

- Luma

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