🔞 Rain x Aurora - Bloodlust

139 4 2

Dom: Rain
Sub: Aurora

Tw: blood 


Third person pov:

Rain was in rut. He was sitting in his room, locked up. He didn't want anyone to come in while he was in heat, he never did. He always wanted to be for himself, figuring out how to calm his racing nerves and his boiling blood. For Rain, rut has always been a hard time. It was painful for him, and he had trouble helping himself. But he knew that if he would ask someone else for help he would probably lose any sign of control, and he really didn't want that to happen. So he kept his door locked, making sure no one could come in why he tried to resist going out himself. Especially the ghoulettes were making it hard for him. Their scent was getting stronger for him, and he really needed to push through, not giving in to his desires.

But besides his rut and his desire to please himself, he had another thing. He had a thing for blood. He didn't know why, but he had some kind of blood kink. It only got him more riled up, and he could smell the blood of someone from a mile away. His packmates knew about it, and Aurora couldn't stop thinking about it now that he was in rut. She was constantly wondering what would happen if he sensed blood. And for his misfortune, but he fortune, she was on her period right now. She had an idea how to help him, how to get him out his room and how to finally make him give in to his desires. 

That night, when Aurora went into her room she didn't put on any underwear or pants, and she only used a pad which she lay in her bed so the blood wouldn't soak through and get her bed messy. Her heart was racing as she lay there, her blankets thrown over her as she waited for something to happen. Rain, who was pacing up and down in his room and trying to calm his nerves, could immediately smell the blood, and he froze in place. The strong scent clouded his already hazy mind even more. And even though he really tried his best to keep his cool, he couldn't help it. He rushed out of his room and followed the strong smell. He finally reached Aurora's bedroom, and he immediately opened the door and busted inside, leaving a low growl.

Aurora didn't do anything, she just lay there, particularly paralyzed as she could feel how the water ghoul approached her bed and slowly climbed in next to her. "What... were you thinking...?" he growled, and Aurora swallowed thickly. "I- I wanted to help..." she muttered, and yelped as he suddenly removed the blanket, staring at her cunt that was leaking blood. He licked his lips, his eyes dark from lust and desire. Without asking, he leaned forward and ran his tongue over her clit, what caused the ghoulette to throw her head back and moan loudly. She definitely didn't expect it to go that fast, but hell did she enjoy it. Even more because she knew that she managed to help Rain give into his desires. 

Rain continued to lick up all the blood from her clit, and then slowly moved to lick her inner thighs as well, as they were covered in blood as well. He groaned in satisfaction, the sweet metallic taste on his tongue making his rut only worse. Aurora kept whimpering under his touch, and at this point she didn't care about anything he would do to her. She was willing to help in any possible way. The blood drove Rain particularly crazy, and he couldn't help but crave more of it. As there was no more blood, he let out a low growl and grabbed the multi ghoulette's thighs as he licked over clit again, before pushing his tongue inside her. Aurora arched her back and moaned out in pure bliss. The things he did to her were sending pleasurable waves through her body and she wanted to cum right there and then.

While he kept eating her out, licking up as much blood from inside her, she was pushed closer and closer to the edge. She was clutching onto the bedsheets, her back arching up as she let out loud moans and whines. "R- Rain~ Oh Satan... mhm... please~" she mumbled, wanting to cum so desperately now. He also groaned against her, his tongue still working on her as he slowly grew more and more desperate. This whole situation didn't help with his rut at all. He slowly withdrew his tongue from her, looking up to meet her eyes. "What do you want...? Want me to use you? Or just want me to finally give into my deep desire?" he muttered, and Aurora simply whined, mainly from the lack of touch. "I- I want you to feel good... let go... and if that means you want to use me... you can do so..." she muttered between heavy pants.

He groaned and slowly moved up, letting his hands trail over her sides while he came face-to-face with her. "You make it so fucking hard to hold back..." he muttered. The ghoulette smiled a little "You don't have to hold back... you can let go. I want to help you with your rut. If you're scared of loosing it... I don't care..." He drew in a sharp breath, those words were enough for the rut to completely cloud his mind. He particularly ripped of her shirt, revealing her beautiful naked body. He let his gaze rake her form for a moment, biting his lip as he only grew more desperate. He then sat up to get rid of his own shirt, his jeans and boxers following shortly after. 

"Yes... that's right, let yourself get lost in that perfect feeling..." she mumbled, not caring if Rain would go absolutely rough on her. She only wanted him to finally let go, to finally take what he needed so he wouldn't be in that much pain anymore.

He let out a low, almost threatening growl as he leaned down and pressed a few kisses along her neck, leaving a few hickeys and love-bites as well, while one of his hands roamed her body, gliding over her prefect curves. Aurora whimpered softly at the growl, combined with the kisses and his touch. He moaned softly against her soft skin, and moved his hand up to take both of her wrists and pinning them above her head. His eyes were now completely black from his rut, his mind clouded with the immense desire and lust. The small ghoulette could feel a shiver running down her spine at the sight, so threatening and yet so hot. She arched her back towards him, biting her lip while she moaned softly. 

While still holding her wrist with one hand, he positioned himself between her legs, lining up before slowly pushing into her. A louder moan escaped her lips as her body arched up even more. Due to her hands being pinned above her head, she was completely submitting to him, but she didn't even care. If anything, it only got her riled up even more. Without letting her adjust to his size, he immediately started to rock his hips back and forth, fully giving in to his desires like she had told him. Aurora could feel her body trembling as she got quickly close to her climax, and she was unable to form any words as she only moaned and mumbled unclear words under her breath.

He continued to go at a restless pace, particularly railing her into the mattress. As she suddenly hit her climax, her whole body arched up with a scream like moan. As he felt her tightening around him, he groaned softly as well, leaning down and burying his head in her neck as he kept her hands over her head and continued to pound into her. Her body trembled now even more and she became a whimpering mess as the overstimulation began to kick in. But he didn't seem to care as he continued to mercilessly rail her, chasing his own orgasm. She quickly neared her second orgasm, her walls clenching around him what caused him to leave a few curse words.

As she came again, she came together with Rain though, who buried himself extra deep inside her as he filled her up with his warm seed. She whimpered again, her body growing limp from sheer exhaustion. He growled again, placing one last kiss on her neck before pushing himself up and pulling out, what let Aurora leave another whine as she felt all empty and cold now. As he rolled over to lay down next to her, he slowly came back to his senses, his eyes turning back to their normal colour. "Oh fuck... I'm so sorry Aurora..." he mumbled, still breathing heavily as he came down from his high. The ghoulette hummed softly as she moved closer to him and carefully snuggled up to the water ghoul. "I hope you feel better now..." she whispered as she cuddled up to his chest. 

He carefully wrapped an arm around her, holding her small, trembling body close to his own. "I do... thank you very much" he answered with a soft tone. Upon realizing how tired and exhausted she was, he didn't even try to ask her and clean up. Instead he reached over and draped the covers back over them before getting comfortable. At that point, Aurora was already fast asleep. Rain smiled softly as he looked down at her, just scanning her peaceful, sleeping face for a while. He finally sighed and closed his eyes as well, slowly dozing off while still holding her close.


(1630 words)

Fucking hell, I'm still alive! I had no internet the past few days and I was also really tired so I didn't have as much motivation, but now I'm back with a new oneshot! 😍

Sorry for the wait, but I hope this isn't too bad (maybe a little rushed, sorry), love y'all <3

- Luma

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