💗 Mountain x Rain - Dancing in the Rain

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Third person pov:

Mountain was sitting in the living room, skipping through the channels on the Tv. It was a Thursday evening, and everyone was in their rooms, as everyone was finished with their tasks and tired. Normally, Mountain would've been outside, strolling through the forest or taking care of his plants that he kept outside, but it was raining, so he decided to stay inside for today. He sighed as he realized there was literally nothing on. But before he could he could open Netflix someone else entered the room and flopped onto the couch next to him. Mountain moved his head to see Rain sitting next to him. He looked quite happy, he had a smile on his face, and was fiddling with his fingers. Mountain knew him good enough to know he wanted something from him.

"What is it Rain?" he asked, smiling a bit as well as he looked back at the Tv. "D- do you probably want to go outside with me?" the water ghoul asked, making the taller one look over to him with a confused look. "But it's raining, I don't want to get wet. What do you even want out there?" he asked. "You're right, it's raining. But it's so pretty! I love it when it's raining, but I know no one would go out with me. They don't like water at all, everyone but you. I know you're not the biggest fan either, but please... you are the only one who likes it at least a little" Rain rambled on, and even if Mountain wasn't in the mood to get wet, he couldn't say no to the way Rain asked him. He looked to cute the way he explained his reasons. The earth ghoul sighed and nodded "Okay fine, but just because you're so cute" he mumbled, making Rain's smile grow even wider.

The water ghoul jumped up and grabbed Mountain's arm, running over to the stairs. They walked up and went to the next door that led outside. The smaller ghoul quickly opened the door and ran outside into the rain, twirling while he hold his hands out, his smile only growing wider. Mountain kept standing in the door, not wet yet, and just watched the other one. He looked so happy being in the rain. It was like he didn't even care about his clothes getting drenched, his hair being a complete mess or anything similar. It made Mountain smile, to see him just being happy. "Come on Mounty" Rain smiled, walking over to the door and holding a hand out to the earth ghoul. He took the hand and got pulled outside, not much later being drenched as well. But seeing the other being happy to not be alone out there made him forget or at least not care about it.

"Come on, you have to admit that it is pretty" the water ghoul said, walking over to a puddle in which he could see the reflection of the moon which shone, despite the dark clouds that caused the rain, bright in the sky. Mountain walked over to him, but not looking at the moon in the puddle, but at Rain and how pretty he looked in the moonlight. "Yeah, really pretty" he mumbled back, grabbing a hand of the smaller ghoul, who immediately looked up to him. Mountain walked a bit away from the puddle with Rain, before he lay both of his hands on the other one's waist, pulling him nearer to himself what caused a faint blush and a smile on Rain's face, who lay his hands around the taller's neck.

"Are we gonna slow dance in the rain now?" Rain asked and looked up to meet Mountain's eyes, who smiled, his cheeks dusted in a deep red. "If you want to" he replied and the water ghoul smiled at how shy Mountain now was. "Of course I do" he answered, and with that Mountain began to sway from side to side with Rain. "Thank you for coming out here with me, Mounty. It means a lot to me" the water ghoul whispered and buried his head and the other's chest. Mountain smiled. "Of course, I don't like the rain that makes me wet, but I love you, Rain" Mountain whispered back, making the smaller ghoul look up to him once more, visibly being flustered. "I love you too Mountain" he returned, and Mountain smiled before he gently kissed the water ghoul, still slowly dancing while the rain poured down on them.


(752 words)

Stop this is too cute for me 😭 

I had to write some fluff to compensate all the smut alright :')

Also happy birthday Phantom!! <3

- Luma

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