🔞 Terzo x Omega - Impregnate me

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Dom: Omega
Sub: Terzo

I had to :')


Third person pov:

The band had just gotten home from tour. They had played a ritual today, only a few hours ago, and it was the middle of the night but Terzo was still sitting in his room at his desk, taking care of some papa things that he had postponed already for way too long. He was tired and stressed, but there was no way he would do it some other time than now. He wanted to do something else really badly, but as long as there wasn't anything to do, he told himself to finish this up.

It was probably already 2am as he heard a knock on the door. It scared him a little, considering he has been alone for the past five hours and everyone else being asleep. He stood up anyways, stretched and went over to the door. He opened it and needed to look up a bit so he could meet Omega's eyes. "Oh, what are you doing here tesoro?" he asked with a slight smirk. The ghoul didn't answer him straight away though, he only pushing him to the side, inviting himself in. The papa didn't seem to mind as he only closed and locked the door. "So? What are you doing here Omega? Shouldn't you be asleep or something?" Terzo repeated, crossing his arms as he looked up to his ghoul, who only stared down to him. "Impregnate me right here on this floor Omega~!" he imitated Terzo, smirking as he realized a blush forming on his cheeks.

"Y- yeah, I said that. So what?" Terzo replied, obviously a bit flustered at this. "I can't stop thinking about it, Papa" Omega said, placing a hand on Terzo's waist, pulling him closer. "Merda, Omega, then why don't you fucking do it?" the papa replied, realizing how already this small of a thing got him aroused. The ghoul smirked even wider, leaning down and kissing Terzo. It was already a heated kiss, both of them clearly in need of the other. Neither of them tried to hide how horny they already were, desperate to finally fuck each other. The tension between them had always been something else, but until now nothing had ever happened. Both of them had always wanted something from the other, but it had never gotten that far. Not yet, at least.

They stumbled over to the bed while still being in a wild make out session. Their kisses got sloppier and sloppier as they laid down, the ghoul leaning over Terzo as he began tracing his kisses down the other's neck. Omega didn't waist any time, as if he was scared that his Papa would soon change his mind. He ripped Terzo's clothes off his body, placing more kisses down his body while said one continued to let out soft moans. As Omega reached Terzo's pants he looked up for a second, immediately seeing the other nod eagerly, signalizing him that it's okay to continue. The ghoul quickly ripped off his pants and then used his teeths to remove his boxers painfully slowly. "Fanculo Omega~" Terzo whimpered as he could feel the other slowly taking his dick into his mouth.

Omega swirled his tongue around the tip, earning soft moans and whimpers from Terzo. He began to slowly take him completely into his mouth, hallowing his cheeks before he moved back up. He began to bop his head up and down in a steady rhythm while he also pushed a finger inside him to stretch him, causing Terzo to leave more moans, cursing under his breath as he got closer and closer to his release. "Merda di merda, I'm close tesoro!" he cursed, grabbing Omega's horns who stopped sucking him off as he realized what he said. He didn't want him to cum just yet. "Why did you stop?" he whined, arching his back a little as if he could signalize Omega he needed just a little bit more. "I don't want you to cum yet~" the ghoul purred, moving up to Terzo's head where he gave him a long, loving kiss.

While they were making out the quintessence ghoul started to undress himself, and moved one of his hands down to Terzo's thigh, grabbing one of his legs which he lifted a bit. He broke them apart and lined himself up with Terzo, placing the leg over his shoulder as he slowly began to push into the smaller one, who arched his back and moaned loudly at the feeling of being completely filled up. Also Omega growled at the feeling, the feeling he has been longing for for so long already. He had often thought about this moment, fantasizing as he touched himself. To now actually feel it, was just something else. He pushed completely inside, and waited until Terzo would adjust his size. Once he nodded, Omega started to thrust into him, at a steady rhythm without once slowing down.

The smaller one was desperately clutching onto the bedsheets, being a whining and moaning mess underneath the ghoul. Omega continued to mercilessly rail him, with each thrust hitting Terzo's sweet spot. "Satanas, you're so good~" the ghoul groaned, leaning down and connecting their lips into a another sloppy kiss, swallowing up some of the noises Terzo was letting out. "Fanculo~ I'm so close Omega!" Terzo whined, and Omega just buried himself even deeper inside him, causing the smaller one's back to arch in pure satisfaction. "Can I cum inside you~?" Omega asked after a bit, and Terzo just smirked. "Impregnate me, Omega~" he repeated, and the ghoul got the hint, so after a few more thrusts he buried himself as deep as he could inside Terzo and came inside him, and Terzo all over their chests.

Both of them moaned loudly, before Omega collapsed on top of his papa, breathing heavily. Terzo's legs were shaking a little, and although he was out of breath as well he still started to comb his fingers through Omega's hair, trying to steady his breathing. "That was amazing tesoro" he mumbled, his eyes getting heavy. Omega let out a hum "I love you, Terzo" he said and lifted his head to look at the other one, who's eyes were opened widely in surprise, but it quickly transformed into a soft smile. "I love you too, mio caro" he answered. Omega moved a little so he was leaning over Terzo again, his head close to his neck. "Then I hope you don't mind this..." he mumbled, before he drilled his fangs into the skin, marking his Papa as his mate. But Terzo didn't protested, he just tilted his head to the side, letting Omega even drink some of his blood.

"You are my mate now, Terzo" he muttered against his neck, but said one only took his face into his hands and pulled him to him, kissing him deeply. "I'm glad~" he smirked as he parted them, and he could see Omega smile as well, before he laid back down on top of Terzo's chest. "Let's clean up tomorrow" he mumbled, and Terzo just hummed in affirmation as he began to comb his fingers through his partner's hair once more. "Sleep well, tesoro" he said, and he could hear how Omega began to purr lightly.


(1204 words)

Well, I literally don't have anything to say 😭👍

(except for this is from my drafts as well, the requested raindrop oneshot is coming i swear)

- Luma

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