🔞 Swiss x Rain - Sucking on Stage

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Dom: Rain
Sub: Swiss

Blowjob scene!


Third person pov:

Swiss was a feral ghoul. Especially on stage he would go absolutely wild. He was joking with everyone, doing shit with everyone and trying his absolute best to make the others horny. It was just funny to him, and the others didn't even mind him doing it. They knew the fans loved it, so they just went with it. But even though he had been in the band for the same amount of time as Swiss, Rain still hasn't gotten entirely used to it. He was a ghoul like everyone else, and also he got feral and didn't mind the others pulling sexual jokes at all. But he still hasn't gotten used to Swiss doing stuff to him on stage. He was used to Dew touching him, but whenever Swiss went up to him, he knew it would do... something to him.

But that's exactly what happened when faith started playing. There was a reason why Swiss had his stage of shame, so he wouldn't to anything too bad, but today he didn't care. He jumped down from his pedestal, and walked over to Rain. He smirked underneath his mask, but due to him not showing his teeth it was barely noticeable. He walked around Rain, his hand placed on the water ghoul's chest as he walked from his right side, behind him and to the left side until he stood right in front of Rain. The younger one's breath quickly got heavier at that, but he managed not to show it. He continued to play his bass like normal, not making any mistakes.

Swiss' smirk only grew as he suddenly dropped down onto his knees, Rain following his moves with wide eyes. He couldn't really believe what he was doing right now. He tried to ignore Swiss, and played his bass with a little more force as the song got heavier. He moved his whole body in the rhythm with the drums, but as Swiss started doing the same Rain just had to look down again. He noticed the multi ghoul kneeling in front of him, his face directly in front of Rain's crotch, if there wouldn't be the bass, and Swiss was moving forwards in the rhythm of the song as if he was giving the water ghoul a head. Swiss was smirking even wider now, knowing what feelings he caused Rain, but he liked it. The audience wouldn't have been able to see the smirk, but Rain sure as hell did.

Underneath his mask and balaclava Rain was blushing, but he knew the crowd wouldn't notice it, just like Swiss, so he tried his best to stay confident. He stared down at the multi ghoul and watched him, the scene clearly exciting him. He didn't know where it suddenly came from, but he really couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if the bass wasn't between them, and if they were not on stage but somewhere alone. Just the thought made him smirk and got him a little aroused. He noticed the blood rushing to his crotch, but he wanted to avoid the worst, so he quickly walked away, walking to the front of the stage and leaving Swiss kneeling on the ground, all alone.

But now that he thought about it, he couldn't stop. He couldn't get the pictures out of his head anymore, the pictures of Swiss kneeling in front of him, covered in sweat while he was... well, sucking him off. Rain growled a little as he realized he was getting a hard-on, and he silently cursed over Swiss for that. Rain knew that Swiss had done it on purpose, as the multi ghoul knew him being quite sensitive. But even though he was distracted, he managed to play every single song without any mistakes. It's basically what saved him, because due to that, no one suspected a thing about his... little problem, since he managed to cover it with his guitar as well.

For his misfortune though, he couldn't get rid of his boner through the ritual, so at the very end it was already extremely painful for him. Having a hard-on for that long is just quite literally the living hell. He was still standing on stage though, bowing together with his other band mates. His dick was throbbing in the need of touch, and because of this Rain didn't even care about anyone else noticing it. He could just think about finally getting backstage and taking care of it.

Once they were finally done the water ghoul particularly sprinted off the stage, immediately walking through the hallways and finally reaching the dressing rooms. He headed to his own room, and as he was inside, he leaned against the next wall, taking his mask off and throwing it somewhere on the ground before opening his pants to let them drop on the floor. He then took his cock in his hands, slowly beginning stroking it. He let out a breathy moan, as this was what his body has been begging him for for the last hour or so.

He began to jerk himself off, coming closer and closer to his release, when suddenly the door opened. He only noticed now that he forgot to lock it as he was so desperate to finally touch himself. But Rain smirked a little as he noticed it was Swiss who walked in, who also wore a cocky smirk on his face. The water ghoul didn't even bother covering himself, and only continued as he watched Swiss through half lidded eyes, the pleasure growing. "I wanna see you do it for real Swiss~" he muttered, lifting his head from the wall he was leaning at and stopping his hand movements. The multi ghoul raised and eyebrow, his smirk not fading even a little.

"You want to see me doing it?" he repeated, and Rain only nodded, now blushing a little. Swiss chuckled a little but locked the door and walked over to his pack mate, dropping on his knees and looking at Rain's needy cock for a second before lifting his gaze to meet the water ghoul's eyes. "Did I make you that horny?" he asked, and Rain nodded "I guess you just have that effect on me" he answered, smirking. Swiss only laughed a little as he took off his helmet, placing it on the ground before putting a hand on Rain's hip, taking his whole length into his mouth. He knew he shouldn't tease Rain any more, so he didn't waste any time. Rain groaned at the feeling, and as Swiss glanced up to him he noticed him staring down.

He chuckled a little, what caused the vibrations to go through Rain's cock who only moaned at the feeling. But before he could say anything Swiss already began bobbing his head back and forth. Rain's hand went up to lay on the back of Swiss' head as he could feel his orgasm building up. He was already close to release due to his own work beforehand, but this was just something else. But despite wanting to close his eyes and enjoying it, he really wanted to see how Swiss looked while giving someone a blowjob. He wanted to know if it looked even a little like he had imagined it. He groaned a little and looked down to him as the multi ghoul starting to carefully graze his teeth along his shaft as well. But Rain chuckled a little as he saw Swiss indeed looking just like he imagined. Kneeling on the floor, one of his hands placed on Rain's hip and his tail wrapped around his leg as he was deep throating the water ghoul.

Sweat was slowly running down his forehead, but he didn't slow down once, and only became even quicker, until it got nearly too much for Rain. He panted a little and let out lewd noises every now and then, not being able to hold back as he pushed Swiss' head even further forward. He groaned from satisfaction, feeling the familiar knot forming in his lower body, signalizing him he was close. "Mhm... fuck Swiss, I'm close~" he mumbled, pushing said one's head forward a little more, his dick hitting the back of Swiss' throat. After just a few more seconds Rain thrusted his hips forward, and once he was buried as deep as possible in Swiss, he climaxed, shooting his cum down Swiss' throat, who groaned at the feeling, but nonetheless swallowed it all.

The water ghoul let his head fall back against the fall as Swiss removed himself from his dick, sitting down on his knees and panting heavily. "Fuck... that was even better than I had imagined" Rain mumbled, and even though he had just given him a blowjob, Swiss' cocky smile was already back again. He chuckled a little, standing up and placing his hands on Rain's hips, pulling him a little closer. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, little one..." he mumbled, his grin widening as he realized Rain blushing a bit. Suddenly his look got softer though as his eyes flicked down to Rain's lips. The multi ghoul licked his own lips, leaning in. Rain chuckled a bit, placing a hand on Swiss' cheek and pulling him nearer what caused their lips to meet into a sweet kiss.


(1558 words)

GUYS OMFG I JUST BOUGHT MY TICKETS FOR THE GHOST MOVIE😭 (I swear I'm the happiest person alive rn)


(and I have to really thank you for all the reads, I appreciate them a lot! Remember, you are free to request :))

- Luma

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