💗 &⚡️ Sodo x Phantom - Guitar Lessons

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In this one Phantom is a kid and also the younger brother of Aether :) 
And also tw: Character Death and depression
!Long Chapter!


"C'mon, you don't have to worry. They won't bite you... at least most of them" Aether said with a smile to the young ghoul. He was in hell right now, but they were going to be summoned by Copia  anytime soon. Aether was a part of the band "Ghost", and he wanted to introduce his younger brother to his pack mates. But the young ghoul was really nervous, as he had never left hell before.

"Alright, this is where we will be summoned. You good?" the quintessence ghoul asked with a look down to his brother, who nodded. It was just faintly, because in all honesty, he could die out of tension. Aether just smiled and took his brother's hand into his own and stepped into a circle that was drawn on the ground. Not much later the circle lit up in fire, and everything around them went dark. The young ghoul was clinging to his brother's arm, his ears peaking up and his tail swaying from side to side from fear but also excitement. When it got light around them again, they were standing in a completely different room, and the first thing the small quintessence ghoul saw was a man with black paint around his eyes.

"Phantom, this is Cardinal Copia, he is the one who summoned us" Aether explained, looking down to him. Phantom nodded, not taking his eyes off the man, who just smiled at him. "Hey there little one, I'm Copia" he introduced himself, and Phantom smiled. "Nice to meet you, I'm Phantom" he replied, slowly letting go off his brother's arm. "Alright, if you want to, you can go to the others. I might join you in a bit" Copia continued, this time speaking to Aether who nodded. "Come on, I will introduce you to the others" the quintessence ghoul said and walked over to the door, Phantom quickly following him. 

They walked through long hallways. Everything was huge and looking fancy, and Phantom couldn't help himself and look around, gasping at every second thing. Aether just smiled down to him, adoring how cute he looked. "Okay, come down here" the older ghoul said, opening a door that led to stairs that were leading down into the basement. He hold the door open for Phantom to walk through, and as he did he followed him. They walked down the stairs and arrived in a cozy looking living room. The small ghoul could see a bunch of other ghouls sitting on the sofa, watching something on the Tv. "Come" Aether said, walking over to them while looking at his brother, who quickly followed.

"Guys!" Aether said and stepped in front of the sofa, right where no one could see the Tv. "Aether, move" Phantom could hear someone growl. Phantom was still standing at the side where no one could see him. "Calm down Sodo, please just listen" the quintessence quickly said. "I have to introduce you to someone" he said with a smile, looking over to Phantom and waving him over. "Everyone, this is my younger brother, Phantom" he explained. "Aww, you never said you have a younger brother! Hello little one, I am Cumulus" an air ghoulette said with a smile as she walked over and crouched in front of him. Phantom just smiled, a little scared of all the new faces. 

Slowly everyone introduced themselves. They were all really nice to Phantom, and seemed to be interested, the tv long forgotten as they all sat down on the sofa, talking about different things. "You are also a quintessence ghoul, right?" the water ghoul, who had introduced himself as Rain asked. Phantom nodded "Yep, I am" he confirmed with a smile. "Do you already know how to play guitar?" Sodo asked, looking between Aether and Phantom. "No..." Phantom mumbled, a little ashamed. He thought he would already have to know how to, but Dew just smiled. "Don't worry. You wanna try to play? I can teach you a bit if you want to" he suggested, and Phantom's ears perked up as his eyes particularly sparkled. "Alright, come with me" the fire ghoul said with a chuckle and stood up. 

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